tailored suits, chauffered cars
fine hotels and big cigars
up for grabs, up for a price
where the red hot girls keep on dancing through the night
the claim is on you
the sights are on me
so what do you do
that's guaranteed
hey little girl, you want it all
the furs, the diamonds, the painting on the wall
come on, come on, love me for the money
come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk
come on, come on, love me for the money
come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk
a french maid, foreign chef
a big house with king size bed
you've had enough, you ship them out
the dollar's up - down, you'd better buy the pound
the claim is on you
the sights are on me
so what do you do
that's guaranteed
hey little girl, you broke the laws
you hustle, you deal, you steal from us all
come on, come on, love me for the money
come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk
come on, come on, love me for the money
come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk
moneytalks, yeah, yeah
money talks, b.s. walks
money talks, come on, come on
come on, come on, love me for the money
come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk
come on, come on, love me for the money
come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk
deep purple ın 2005 yılında piyasaya sunduğu "rapture of the deep" albümünün giriş şarkısı.
ian gillan "everthing i want" derken everything e dikkatleri çekmek istiyorum. evet bunu istiyorum.
I was young and healthy
Extremely wealthy
I swung in the trees
And did as I pleased
I thought I was rich
Oh yeah
Such sweet seduction
I could feel the suction
Greasing my palm
And doing no harm
Just making some deals
What a bitch
Money talks to me
Whispers in my ear
Gives me everything I want
Everything I want
I had rising stock
So I got more pockets
I knew somewhere to stick it
Where no-one would nick it
I kinda went private
And then, aha
Such sweet seclusion
No more intrusion
Too much food on my plate
But there's guards at the gate
Such joy
I could almost die of it
Money talks to me
Lays it on the line
Gives me everything I want
Everything I want
Money goes to money
Yes it always returns
Finds its way back to the big house
Where it lives all alone
Wraithlike silent partners
Operators of the system
Give words of quiet assurance
To an otherwise healthy victim
It's all coming back to me
I would swing in the trees
And I'd swim in the ocean
I used to show some emotion
I was not to blame
I feel no shame
The structure was shaking
Was there for the taking
I had the resources
But then, oh no
Someone outbid me
I can't take it with me?
Then I will devour it
I can't go without it
It's simply a question of
Market forces
Money talks to me
Whispers in my ear
Gives me everything I want
Everything I want
Money talks to me
Laughs right in my face
Gives me everything I want
Everything I want
fakir bir çocuğa devlet güvence verdiği ve parasını ödeyeceği halde cebinde parası yok diye kopan parmağını diktirtemez. ayrıca paradan önce kanunlar hastanelere acil gelen her hastaya yapabileceğiniz her şeyi yapmakla yükümlü tutar. fakat bunlara rağmen gereken tedavi yapılmaz. parası olan ise hastanelerden kilometrelerce uzakta parmağını denize düşürür. nasıl bir parmaksa olta ile tutulur***. parmak ve sahibi özel uçaklarla gider ve iner inmez hastaneye ulaştırılıp yerine dikilir.
amerikalı demiş de biz geri mi kalmışız?
(bkz: Zengin arabasını dağdan aşırır, züğürt düz ovada yolunu şaşırır)
(bkz: parayı veren düdüğü çalar). bence vermeyen de ç(alabilir)
enteresan videoların bulunduğu site.insanın hayata bakış açısı bile değişir yani.imdbde ki ilk 100 filmin yarısını izlemiş kadar hayat tecrübesine sahip olursunuz.*
sloganı "what's your price" olan cinsel içerikli (+18) enteresan program. para karşılığında insanlara istediklerini yaptırıyorlar ki eğerse gerçekse dünya nereye gidiyor diye düşündürüyor.