başkenti ve en büyük şehri ciudad de mexico olan ülkenin 104.907.991 kişilik nüfusu ile dünyanın en kalabalık 11. ülkesidir 16 eylül 1810 da ispanya dan ayrılarak bağımsızlığını kazanmıştır. yılbaşlarında saat 12 olduğunda çanlar tam 12 kere çalar ve mexicolular her çanda bir üzüm yiyip bir dilek tutarlar. *
incubus'un morning view albumunden akustik bir parca. koparip goturuyor her defasinda.
you could see me reaching
so why couldn't you have met me half way?
you could see me bleeding
and you could not put pressure on the wound
you only think about only think about yourself
you better bend before i go
on the first train to mexico
you could see my breathing
but you still kept your hand over my mouth
you could feel me seething
but you just turned your nose up in the air
you only think about only think about yourself
you better bend before i go
on the first train to mexico
nefis bir cake şarkısı.. ı had a match but she had a lighter
ı had a flame but she had a fire
ı was bright but she was much brighter
ı was high but she was the sky
oh baby ı was bound from mexico
oh baby ı was bound to let you go
ı don't know much about cinco de mayo
ı'm never sure what ıt's all about
but ı say ı want you and you don't believe me
you say you want me but ı've got my doubts
oh baby, ı was bound from mexico
oh baby, ı was bound to let you go
ı had a match but she had a lighter
ı had a flame but she had a fire
ı was bright but she was much brighter
ı was high but she was the sky
oh baby ı was bound from mexico
oh baby ı was bound to let you go
In Mexico
I went for a walk to inhale
The tranquil, cool, lover's air
I could taste a trace
Of American chemical waste
And the small voice said
"What can we do?"
In Mexico
I went for a walk to inhale
The tranquil, cool, lover's air
I could sense the hate
of the lonestar state
And a small voice said
"What can we do?"
It seems if you're rich
And you're white
You think youre so right
I just don't see why this should be so
If you're rich and you're white
You think youre so right
I just don't see why this should be so
In Mexico
I lay on the grass
And I cried my heart out
For want of my love
Oh, for want of my love
Oh, for want of my love
It seems if you're rich
And you're white
You think you're so right
I just don't see why
This should be so
If you're rich and you're white
You think youre so right
I just don't see why
This should be so
In Mexico,
I lay on the grass
And I cried my heart out
For want of my love
For want of my love
For want of my love
For want of my love
hakkında ingilizce şarkı sözlerinin çok yüzeysel kaldığı, güzelliği ancak ispanyolca ile ifade edilebilecek olan, zaten resmi dili de ispanyolca olan memleket.
ilk olarak adana'da retro isimli cafe-bar'da keşfettiğim geniş ağızlı bira bardağının ağzını tekila shot'a yapar gibi tuza buladıktan sonra birayı koyup içine alkolünü bozmayacak kadar limon sıkıldıktan sonra tuzla birlikte hüpür hüpür götürülen, herkesin beğenmediği beğenenin de kolay kolay bırakamadığı birayla yapılan kokteylimsi olaydır. çok lezizdir. denenesidir.
monterrey gibi buyuk bir kentinde bir yil icinde ucunce belediye baskani oldurulmustur. ceteler yakaladiklari yerde sokak ortasi, kilise arkasi neresi olursa olsun kimseyi umursamadan adam kesmektedirler. birkac hafta once ayni gece sekiz kisinin kafasi kesik halde bulunmustur. gidilmesi kesinlikle tavsiye edilmeyecek yerlerden biridir. yok mecburen gittiyseniz hava karardiktan sonra sokakta olmamaya ozen gostermeniz gereken yerdir.
Insanlarinin bi cogunun boy ortalamasi erkek ya da kadin, 1.50 dir, kadinlarin bacaklari asagdan zayif yukari basenlerden itibaren sismektedir, armut gibi goruntuleri vardir, boyunlari oldukca kisadir, kafalari direk bedenlerine oturtulmus gibidir cogunun, genelde cirkindirler, siyaha yakin oldukca esmer tenleri vardir, tabi aralarinda guzel olanlarida vardir, bunlarin disinda sevimli caliskan tiplerdir, yapilacak en zor ve berbat islerde calisirlar cunku egitimleri yoktur, cogu okula devam etmemistir, sevmezler okumayi, erkekleri tipki bizim turk erkekleri gibi kadinlara goz tacizi yapmaktan cekinmezler,
Neyse gelelim mexicoya sen dunya guzeli topragini californiayi tut amerikaya sat, sonrada kendi topraginda yabanci ol olacak is mi santaana, neyse bana gore hava hos burda iyi olmus boyle.