messe noire

  1. Behemoth'un son albumu The Satanist albümü şarkılarından biri.Satanist ayinlerine verilen isimlerdendir ayrıca.Şarkı da bunu yansıtır.Son dönemlerin en içten haykırışı gibi görünen albümün şu ana kadar çekilenler arasında en kötü klibe sahip olması biraz geri plana atmaktadır.

    -Sözlerini de yazayım da tam olsun-
    i believe in satan
    who rend both heavens and earth
    and in the antichrist
    his dearly misbegotten
    the anguish ov our future
    a bastard spawned from lie
    born ov a harlot nun
    reign high in luxury
    aloft the kings ov man
    i use words sharp as a sword
    to rake saints ’shins bestrewn
    three days risen – the grand deceiver
    i bless the world with ire and woe
    so, can you hoard host like zion’s coin
    belie progeny ov your pain?
    ihwh, thou sayeth unto me:
    thou, disrupter, imbalance my creations!
    hence i transfix in bliss ov flagellation
    i burnt in rapture, wafted ash about…
    became the law above all laws
    in asymmetry ov the horns
    i cut loose the cord ov li(f)e
    depart celestial source
    rub mould in holy pages
    let woodworms eat the cross
    i prayed i’d die in you o lord
    i pray you’d die in me…
    who shall crucify the last prophets
    and have them wilt on splintered stems?
    who shall churn hells across the earth
    and reascend to seat himself…
    at the left hand ov satan
    be gaoler ov the living
    …and ov the dead
    as it was in the beginning
    now and shall ever be
    …world without end
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