merve kavakci nin turkiye yi temsil etmesi

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  1. yok ebesinin amı ali sami dediğim temsil durumu..

    üçüncüsü düzenlenecek uluslararası dünya kadın barış konferansı nda türkiye temsilcisi olarak katıldığını görüyoruz sitede..

    açıkcası bu tarz konferansları pek önemsemiyorum fakat türkiye ile bu kadının isminin yanyana olmasına fena halde gıcık oluyorum. (#1657848) *

    (bkz: ne lan bu)

    merhum ecevit'in sesi kulağımda duruyor hala .. birileri şuna haddini bildirsin !

    neyse bakalım sitede merve hanım için ne demiş coni efendiler :

    Merve Kavakci was elected to Turkish Parliment, is a noted international lecturer and scholar recognized for her efforts in the advancement of human rights and Muslim women's empowerment . Ms. Kavakci was a lecturer on culture and international affairs at the Elliott School of International Affairs. A former Member of Parliament, Ms. Kavakci is one of the pioneers in the women's political movement in Turkey in the 1990s. Her main expertise is in the area of democratization of Muslim society and the role of religion in secular Muslim states. She has authored numerous articles, the most recent one appearing in Foreign Policy "Headscarf Heresy." Also her first book, Basortusuz Demokrasi (Scarfless Democracy) (Istanbul: Timas Publications), was published in February 2004.

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