me and a gun

entry7 galeri0
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  2. Çok sevdiğim bir dostum sayesinde tanıştığım, uğradığı tecavüzü anlatan tori amos eseri. Dinlerken kanı çekiliyor insanın. Kafasındaki düşünceler ayrı bir dokunuyor.
    "But i haven't seen barbados, so i must get out of this."
    Evet diyorsun, böyle düşünen bir insan kurtulmalı.
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  4. hikayesini bilmeden dinleyenlerin bile yüreğine dokunabilen şarkılardan.
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  6. herkesin içindeki çocuksu ürkekliğe dokunabilecek bir sesleniş..
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  8. ayrica hikayesi cok huzunludur.. tori amos* bu cathartic sarkisinda yillar once ugradigi tecavuzu anlatir... travmalarin kiside aciga cikardigi kuntlugu alirsiniz amos'un sesinden.. duygusal inis cikislar yoktur.. donuk denebilcek bi tonda okur sarkiyi..ugradigi tecavuzu kesik kesik, daginik cumlelerle anlatir..

    sarkinin en akilda kalan kismiysa* antagonistin yaptiklari sirasinda amos'a ilahiler soyletmesidir.. 'And I sang "holy holy" as he buttoned down his pants' derken dokunup gectigi kismi budur hikayenin..
    can acitir..
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  10. ciplak sesle soylenmis en guzel sarkilardan..
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  12. tori amos un little earthquakes albümünden ugradıgı tecavüzü anlattıgı sarkısı
    sözleri :

    5am friday morning, thursday night, far from sleep
    I'm still up and driving, can't go home obviously
    So I'll just change direction cause they'll soon know where I live
    And I wanna live
    Got a full tank and some chips

    It was me and a gun and a man on my back
    And I sang "holy holy" as he buttoned down his pants

    You can laugh, it's kind of funny the things you think times like these
    Like I haven't seen barbados so I must get out of this

    Yes I wore a slinky red thing, does that mean I should spread
    For you, your friends, your father, mr. ed

    It was me and a gun and a man on my back
    But I haven't seen barbados so I must get out of this

    And I know what this means, me and jesus a few years back
    Used to hang and he said "it's your choice babe, just remember
    I don't think that you'll be back in 3 days time so you choose well"
    Tell me what's right, is it my right to be on my stomach of fred's seville

    It was me and a gun and a man on my back
    But I haven't seen barbados so I must get out of this

    And do you know Carolina where the biscuits are soft and sweet
    These things go through you head when there's a man on your back
    And you're pushed flat on your stomach, it's not a classic cadillac

    Me and a gun and a man on my back
    But I haven't seen barbados so I must get out of this
    I haven't seen barbados so I must get out of this
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