masters of war

  1. savaş sorununun özüne inen,
    gaddarlığı,saygısızlığı lanetleyen,
    belki de küba krizinin yaşandığı ve
    insan hakları yürüyüşlerinin
    çokça olduğu yıllarda yazıldığı için
    biraz karanlık ama sorgulamaktan da vazgeçmeyen
    bir bob dylan şarkısı..
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  2. 2.
  3. 3.
  4. sözleri söyledir;

    Come you masters of war
    You that build all the guns
    You that build the death planes
    You that build the big bombs
    You that hide behind walls
    You that hide behind desks
    I just want you to know
    I can see through your masks

    You that never done nothin'
    But build to destroy
    You play with my world
    Like it's your little toy
    You put a gun in my hand
    And you hide from my eyes
    And you turn and run farther
    When the fast bullets fly

    Like Judas of old
    You lie and deceive
    A world war can be won
    You want me to believe
    But I see through your eyes
    And I see through your brain
    Like I see through the water
    That runs down my drain

    You fasten the triggers
    For the others to fire
    Then you set back and watch
    When the death count gets higher
    You hide in your mansion
    As young people's blood
    Flows out of their bodies
    And is buried in the mud

    You've thrown the worst fear
    That can ever be hurled
    Fear to bring children
    Into the world
    For threatening my baby
    Unborn and unnamed
    You ain't worth the blood
    That runs in your veins

    How much do I know
    To talk out of turn
    You might say that I'm young
    You might say I'm unlearned
    But there's one thing I know
    Though I'm younger than you
    Even Jesus would never
    Forgive what you do

    Let me ask you one question
    Is your money that good
    Will it buy you forgiveness
    Do you think that it could
    I think you will find
    When your death takes its toll
    All the money you made
    Will never buy back your soul

    And I hope that you die
    And your death'll come soon
    I will follow your casket
    In the pale afternoon
    And I'll watch while you're lowered
    Down to your deathbed
    And I'll stand o'er your grave
    'Til I'm sure that you're dead
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  5. 4.
  6. savaşın babaları.. bob dylan'dan bir barış şarkısı.. şimdilerde çok ihtiyacımız olan bir barış şarkısı..

    "Umarım ölürsünüz.
    Ölümünüz yakındır
    Soğuk bir öğleden sonra
    Tabutunuzun ardından gideceğim
    Ve ölüm yatağınıza indirilirken
    Seyredeceğim sizi.
    Ve bekleyeceğim mezarınızın başında
    Gerçekten öldüğünüzden emin olana dek."
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  7. 6.
  8. 5.
  9. aynı zamanda bir amon amarth şarkısıdır.

    fast and hard, show no mercy for these men
    the vermin of christ, prophets of lies and their disciples
    seek them out, hunt them down
    break their spirits, crush their hearts
    not even death will set them free from this pain

    ride them down as they flee from our steel
    draw their blood, make them suffer
    before they die by war-field sacrifice
    wipe them out! burn their homes and fields
    feed the wolves with their offspring, annihilate them all!

    masters of war, torment every soul
    rape every whore that carries the cross

    burn them all, burn them alive
    send their souls to deathqueen's hall
    to the land of cold burning flames
    send them to the land of famine and despair
    eternally they will starve and freeze
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