you're wearing a mask
you're wearing a mask
you're wearing a mask
you look better that way
you're wearing a mask
you're wearing a mask
you're wearing a mask
you look better that way
are you my friend ?
are you my plumber ?
are you my god ?
what do you do ?
wearing a mask
you're wearing a mask
you're wearing a mask
which mask are you ?
which mask are you ?
complicated crushed up disappointed squirming angry thrusting stabbing regretting starving greedy human alien being, struggling down the street, up the alley, in the elevator, through the party, to the office, in the bedroom, on your way to the morgue. bullshitting, lying, doing a good deed or feeling loved barely possible. aware of insatiable demands of not a society all around you. chunky frat boys in their shorts, pimps with old semite eyes, sex hoochies of the jungle, sensitive smart alec college graduates, critics fronting franticly in new york city, every body in l.a just plain licking ass or having it licked, irony in place of balls, balls in place of brains, brains in place of soul, where is the soul?, where is the love?, where am i?
which mask are you ?
which mask are you ?
which mask are you ?
you're wearing a mask
you're wearing a mask
you're wearing a mask
which mask are you ?
Eski adı "mecaz" olan, Taksim bekar sokaktaki cem kılıç'ın sahne aldığı tıklım tıklım eğlence mekanı. O değil de... 22 Şubat Çarşamba Jehan Barbur'u kaçırmamak lazım.
assembly de mask diyorsa eğer hemen AND lemek gerek o değeri.
Mesela C registerınde 91H olsun. 10010001
D0 değeri eğer 1 ise ışık yansın vs..
MVI C, 91H
ANI 01H -> mask değeri öyle bi değer olmalıki sadece D0 değerini çıktı vermeli!
dersek eğer 91H ve 01H AND lenir , buna göre sizde işinizi halledersiniz.
bir çizgi roman. söz konusu çizgi roman yüksek teknoloji ürünü özel maskeler takarak bunların özellikleriyle kapışan mask isimli iyiler ekibiyle venom isimli kötüler ekibinin maceralarını anlatırdı. matt trakker da mask ekibinin başıydı.