"it had the scent of the sea about it, this tune, ever since, you know, probably from the sound of the guitar doing the whale-type thing. we called it 'the whale piece' for ages. 'maroon' came up as a colour at one point in discussion for some title of something. 'maroon' became 'marooned' and it seemed to fit that tune. titles is a long, difficult thing sometimes. and that one seemed to fit. and then we played it up a little bit at the end, putting wave noises and seagulls at the beginning to set the mood a little bit before it goes into it. there's no particular huge significance to 'marooned'; it's just an appropriate title."
1995 yılında pink floyd' a en iyi enstrumental dalında grammy odulu aldırmıstır. grubun ayrıca ilk grammy oduludur. gilmour'un gercekten ruh halini merak ettiren dunyanın otesinde bir ilahi.
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içimizdeki sessiz çığlık yükselir arşa. beynimiz gündelik yaşam heyecanı yaşamaktan uzak, bir anın içinde kendine hayaller kurar.