mad about you

entry40 galeri0
  1. amerika da yayınlanmış komedi dizisi.
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  2. 14.
  3. sabahları telefonumun alarm melodisi olan ve güne güzel başlamamı bir nebzede olsa sağlayan bir hooverphonic şarkısı
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  4. 13.
  5. ...
    Give me all your true hate
    And I ll translate it in your bed
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  6. 12.
  7. hooverphonic'in en portishead kokan şarkısı. taklit değil benzerlik sadece.
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  8. 11.
  9. "trouble is my middle name
    but in the end i'm not too bad."
    diyerek bize gerektiği cevabı vermiş, susmuş oturtmuştur.

    "can someone tell me if it's wrong to be
    so mad about you?" sorusuna da taparız ayrı konu.)
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  10. 10.
  11. helen hunt'ın da başrolünde oynadığı bir sinema filmidir. orijinali 1992 ile 1999 arasında yayınlanan bir diziden alınmadır. aynı isimle gösterilmiştir.
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  12. 9.
  13. türkçe karşılığı sana deli oluyorum olan söz öbeği.
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  14. 8.
  15. tam evde kaldım derken *, tesadüf eseri tanışan iki kişinin ve ailelerinin başından geçenleri anlatan güzel dizi.
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  16. 7.
  17. stingin en başarılı şarkılarından. asla baymaz.
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  18. 6.
  19. 5.
  20. amarigan sit-com dizisi.hatta nba tv ekranlarında sıkça i love this game sloganını kullanmak için kesilen görüntülerde karşımıza çıkar iki baş rol oyuncusu.
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  21. 4.
  22. arşive olması gereken dinlendiğinde sevgiliyi akla getiren şarkı.*

    A stoness throw from jerusalem
    I walked a lonely mile in the moonlight
    And though a million stars were shining
    My heart was lost on a distant planet
    That whirls around the april moon
    Whirling in an arc of sadness
    Im lost without you Im lost without you
    Though all the kingdoms turn to sand
    And fall into the sea
    Im mad about you Im mad about you

    And from the dark secluded valleys
    I heard the ancient songs of sadness
    But every step I thought of you
    Every footstep only you
    And every star a grain of sand
    The leavings of a dried up ocean
    Tell me, how much longer? how much longer?

    They say a city in the desert lies
    The vanity of an ancient king
    But the city lies in broken pieces
    Where the wind howls and the vultures sing
    These are the works of man
    This is the sun of our ambition
    It would make a prison of my life
    If you become anothers wife
    With every prison blown to dust
    My enemies walk free
    Im mad about you Im mad about you

    And I have never in my life
    Felt more alone than I do now
    Although I claim dominations over all I see
    It means nothing to me
    There are no victories
    In all our histories, without love

    A stones throw from jerusalem
    A walked a lonely mile in the moonlight
    And though a million stars were shining
    My heart was lost on a distant planet
    That whirls around the april moon
    Whirling in an arc of sadness
    Im lost without you Im lost without you
    And though you hold the keys to ruin
    Of everything I see
    With every prison blown to dust,
    My enemies walk free
    Though all the kingdoms turn to sand
    And fall into the sea
    Im mad about you Im mad about you
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  23. 3.
  24. türk versiyonunda haluk bilginer ve şevval sam'ın oynadığı (yine de aşığım) orjinalinde helen hunt'ın oynadığı dizidir.
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  25. 2.
  26. 1.
  27. feel the vibe, feel the terror, feel the pain
    it's driving me insane
    i can't fake
    for god sakes why am i
    driving in the wrong lane
    trouble is my middle name
    but in the end i'm not too bad
    can someone tell me if it's wrong to be so mad about you
    mad about you
    are you the fishy wine that will give me
    a headache in the morning
    or just a dark blue land mine
    that'll explode without a decent warning
    give me all your true hate
    and i'll translate it in our bed
    into never seen passion, never seen passion
    that is why i am so mad about you
    mad about you
    mad about you
    trouble is your middle name
    but in the end you're not too bad
    can someone tell me if it's wrong to be
    so mad about you
    mad about you
    give me all your true hate
    and i'll translate it in your bed
    into never seen passion
    that is why i am so mad about you
    mad about you
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