MKI101 - Human Beings and Sexuality
MATH101 - Basic Mathematics 1
TK101 - Turk Dili ve Edebiyati
HIST101 - Turk Inkilap Tarihi
COMP101 - Introduction to Computers 1
Secmeli Listesinden Bir Ders
1. sinif 2. donem
MKI102 - Opposite Sex
MATH102 - Basic Mathematics 2
TK101 - Turk Dili ve Edebiyati
HIST101 - Turk Inkilap Tarihi
COMP102 - Introduction to Computers 2
Secmeli Listesinden Bir Ders
2. sinif 1. donem
MKI201 - Meeting with the Opposite Sex
MKI271 - Introduction to Sexual Intercourse
BUS201 - Budgeting and Basic Accounting While Living with a Woman 1
MATH201 - Probability for Men
COMP201 - Friendship Using Internet
Secmeli Listesinden Bir Ders
2. sinif 2. donem
MKI202 - Impressing the Woman
MKI272 - Success in Sexual Intercourse
BUS202 - Budgeting and Basic Accounting While Living with a Woman 2
MATH202 - Stastics for Men
COMP202 - Lifting up a Girl from Internet
Secmeli Listesinden Bir Ders
3. Sinif 1. donem
MKI301 - Making Woman Go Crazy for You
MKI361 - Advanced Topics in Sexual Intercourse 1
BUS321 - Advanced Budgeting While Living with a Woman 1
MATH301 - Analytical Decision Making For Love Makers
COMP301 - Tracing a Woman's Life From a Computer
Secmeli Listesinden Bir Ders
3. Sinif 2. donem
MKI302 - Getting Rid of a Woman
MKI362 - Advanced Topics in Sexual Intercourse 2
BUS322 - Advanced Budgeting While Living with a Woman 2
MATH302 - Tautology for Men against Woman
COMP302 - Cleaning the Traces of Other Relationships from a Computer
Secmeli Listesinden Bir Ders
4. Sinif 1. donem
MKI401 - Sex Without Infants
MKI491 - Woman: Phenomenon? Catastrophe?
BUS401 - Keeping up with a Woman's Expenditure
MATH441 - Logic
PSY361 - Love: A Lie
Secmeli Listesinden Bir Ders
4. Sinif 2. donem
MKI498 - Love Theory
MKI432 - Risk Analysis for Marriage
PSY481 - Love, Sex, Housewife
PSY475 - Children
PSY448 - Lonely Life
Secmeli Listesinden Bir Ders
yüksek lisansa imkan veren yakın gelecekte açılması planlanan güzide bölüm. yüksek lisans esnasında alınacak dersler ise şöyle belirlenmiş;
5. sınıf 1. dönem
mki 501 - rolling tesbih's
mki 502 - analysis of white socks with differential equations
mki 541 - passing to woman information systems
mki 581 - stochastics woman models
5. sınıf 2. dönem
mki 582 - stochastic process in woman influencing decisions (prerequisites: mki 581)
rus 201 - beginning to russian (learning simple forms of russian to say "do you sex?" "will you take me home tonight?" "cigi cigi?")
mki 591 - Graduate Seminars about "How to be a KRO?" (NC)
mki 598 - woman thinking*
min credit: 21
Elective Courses:
two courses, at most two of which can be mki 4xx elective courses