isim koymak için aylarca uğraştıktan sonra ismi bulduğumuz anda dağılan lise grubumuz. draculada geçen akıl hastanesi. ayrıca sadece kaos ve şarap adlı sözlük yazarına ait olan müstakbel uludağ sözlük yazarı.
bloody lunatic asylum* albumunden yumusak baslayip yirtici bir soloyla soloyla beslenen, guzel melodiye sahip theatres des vampries parcasi.
I Have seen Satan and I have seen God
I'm closed in this cell from a long time
"If the Damnation is eternal!
A man that wants to mutilate himself is really damned, isn't true?
I think to be in Hell, then I'm here!"
"Helpless, naked, piping loud,
Like a fiend hid in a cloud.
Struggling in the nurse's hand
Striving against my swaddling bands,
Bound and weary!
In the secret shadow of his chamber: the youth shut up from
The lustful joy shall forget to generate and create an amorous image
In the shadows of his chamber and in the folds of his silent pillow.
Oh sweet goat, here I am,
come and lick my white neck;
let me pull your soft wool;
let me kiss your soft face!
"Liber scriptus proferetur,
in quo totum continetur,
unde mundus judicetur.
Judex ergo cum sedebit,
quidquid latet apparebit,
nil inultum remanebit." *
gece gece dinlebilecek en güzel forever slave parçalarından biri. şarkı ingilizce-ispanyolca karışık ilerliyor fakat vokalin soprano sesi hiç dil değişmemiş izlenimi veriyor. aradaki brutaller ve keman da cuk oturmuş.
dinlemek isteyenler için:
sözleri de aynen böyle:
in lunatic asylum
she found a door
her parents were killed
their blood was in her hands
con su mirada en tierra
sus ojos ocultan secretos
innocent! alice tortured by darkness
innocent! the shades will get you down
innocent alice
is tortured by darkness
how a strange fantasy
in dante's paradise
con su mirada en tierra
sus ojos ocultan secretos
innocent! alice tortured by darkness
innocent! the shades will get you down
in the shades of the night
and fire in her eyes
con su mirada en tierra
sus ojos ocultan secretos
innocent! your soul
come back to the shades.
her sweet voice shakes
with this sentence
con su mirada en tierra
alice reclama el destierro