klibini yabancı bir müzik kanalında ilk izlediğimden beri mp3 çalarımdan eksik etmediğim şarkıdır. mükemmel sözleri vardır, otobüs yolculuklarında dinlemeyi ayrı bir severim bu şarkıyı.
eslik etmekten çok zevk aldigim parça. sözler düsündürür, kendini sorgulatir. what should we do? to enjoy life the most or hiding like the ghost? sorusunu ise herkes kendine sormali.
like ships without anchors
wide is the ocean, no islands, no shores
all is well, only
this is such a lonely feeling to be lonely..
fame is illusion
bright are the lights and you - you are left in confusion
all is well, only
this is such a lonely feeling
this is such a lonely feeling
driving fast as fast as i can
or sitting quietly on the windowsill
you've got all and nothing
just put no more loneliness on my bill
this is such a lonely feeling
all songs should be happy
actors young and soap operas crappy
movies are x-rays
our destinies are chosing our ways
and what should we do?
to enjoy life the most or hiding like ghosts?
all is well, only
this is such a lonely feeling
this is such a lonely feeling
driving fast as fast as i can
or sitting quietly on the windowsill
you've got all and nothing
just put no more loneliness on my bill ..(* 2)