lady gaga'nın şarkılarında bazı kelimeleri heceleyerek söylemesinden mütevellit alabileceği lakap.
-k-k-kinda busy... (telephone)
-just dance, dance, dance, d-d-d-dance... (just dance)
-re-re-re-reverse... (starstruck)
-ale-ale-alejandro... (alejandro)
-america-americano... (americano)
-applause-plause (applause) (tersten kekeç)
-roma-roma-romance... (bad romance)
-ca-a-ars/ba-a-ars (boys boys boys)
-d-d-dance in the dark (dance in the dark)
-judas-juda-a-a-juda-a-a... (judas)
-ma-ma-ma-marry the night...
-when you give me k-k-kisses... (money honey)
-that boy is a monster, m-m-m-monster... (monster)
-until you love me, papa-paparazzi... (paparazzi)
-she's got to love nobody, po-po-poker face... (poker face)
-c-c-c-crazy, get your ass in my bed, Take me for a ri-ri-ride... (summerboy)
-ma-ma-mam-manicure... (manicure)