Baş rolünde johnny depp'in olduğu, 2017 de vizyona girecek gerilim filmi. tupac shakur ve the notorious b i g'in ölümlerini konu edinen filmin yönetmeni brad furman'dır. Senaryosu randall sullivan'ın romanından uyarlanacak.
say it's the same sun spinning in the same sky
say it's the same stars streaming in the same night
tell me it's the same world whirling through the same space
tell me it's the same time tripping through the same day
so say it's the same house and nothing in the house has changed
yeah say it's the same room and nothing in the room is strange
oh tell me it's the same boy burning in the same bed
tell me it's the same blood breaking in the
same head
say it's the same taste taking down the same kiss
say it's the same you
say it's the same you and it's always been like this
say it's the same you
say it's the same you and it always and forever is
say it's the same you
say it's the same you and it's always been like this
say it's the same you
say it's the same you and it always and forever is
say it's the same you
say it's the same you
yeah tell me it's all the same
this is how it's always been
but if nothing has changed...
then it must mean...
but the sun is cold - the sky is wrong
the stars are black - the night is gone
the world is still - the space is stopped
the time is out - the day is dropped
the house is dark - the room is scarred
the boy is stiff - the bed is hard
the blood is thick - the head is burst
the taste is dry - the kiss is thirst
and it's not the same you
it's not the same you
no it never was like this
it's not the same you
it's not the same you and it never really is
it's not the same you
it's not the same you
no it never was like this
it's not the same you
it's not the same you and it never really is
it's not the same you
it's not the same you
oh it's not the same
this isn't how it's always been
everything has to have changed...
or it's me...
paylaşımcı yapıma uygun olarak sözlerini de ekleyeyim;
links rechts gradeaus
du kommst hier nicht mehr raus
links rechts gradeaus
du kommst hier nicht mehr raus
der wahnsinn hat mich eingesperrt
und deine heile welt verzerrt
hat sich in deinen kopf gepflanzt
lauf, kind, lauf, so schnell du kannst
du weißt nicht mehr, wer du bist
du weißt nicht mehr, was liebe ist
dein spiegelbild hat sich entstellt
niemand ist hier, der zu dir halt
klopf klopf, lass mich rein
lass mich dein geheimnis sein
klopf klopf - klopf klopf
klopf klopf, lass mich rein
lass mich dein geheimnis sein
klopf klopf, lass mich rein
lass mich dein geheimnis sein
keiner kann dir sagen, welche türen die richtigen sind
mein verlornes kind
links rechts gradeaus
du bist i'm labyrinth
links rechts gradeaus - links rechts gradeaus
keiner kann dir sagen, wer die guten und die bösen sind
mein verlornes kind
du hast mich oft aus dir verbannt
an meinem zorn dein herz verbrannt
dein zweite ich, die zweite haut
hab ich in deinem kopf erbaut
wenn ich in deine seele tauche
und dich für meine lust gebrauche
dann werd ich deine sinne blenden
das spiel kannst nur du selbst beenden
klopf klopf, lass mich rein
lass mich dein geheimnis sein
klopf klopf - klopf klopf
klopf klopf, lass mich rein
lass mich dein geheimnis sein
klopf klopf, lass mich rein
lass mich dein geheimnis sein
başrollerinde jennifer connelly ve david bowie'nin oynadıgı, jim henson yönetimindeki '86 yapımı, her yerinden yaratıcılık akan bir film.
sarah (j.c), küçük kardeşinin kaybolmasını diler. dilegi gerçekleşip de, kardeşi goblinler tarafından kaçırılınca pişman olur. onu kurtarmaya karar verir. gider goblinlerin şatosuna; ama onunde bir engel vardır: tehlikelerle dolu bir labirent. orada edindigi arkadaşlarıyla, şatonun kralının (d.b) hazırladıgı tuzaklardan kurtulmaya çalışır. kralın kıza duydugu aşk da gözlerden kaçacak gibi degildir. el kadar kız tööbe.
kapı sahnesi ve agız şeklini alan eller aklımdan çıkmaz.