
entry6 galeri0
  1. bonded by blood , hammerhead( flotsam and jetsam) ,total desaster gibi bir heavy metal başyapıtı , artillery şarkısı
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  3. "o nasıl bir giriş koç" denilen artillery eseri...

    He once appeared
    A harmless threat
    A leader wrapped in linen.
    United fools, bewitched by words,
    In pact with ignorance.

    A powermind, dictating thoughts,
    that leads toward his dream
    To free the world, fanatically
    Religious slavery.

    Khomaniak - your holy war is a tragedy
    Fataliac - won't your God let you see

    And lead by this, insane old man
    From shah to battlefield
    No one's too young, to fight and die
    For what this man believes

    Someone must die, insanity's alive
    Spreads with disease, the virus increase

    A voice in my ear says - "Khomaniac"
    Your killing is pointless - "Fataliac"
    The war is eternal - "Khomaniac"
    The outcome infernal

    That voice in my ear says - "Khomaniac"
    Your killing is pointless - "Fataliac"
    The war is eternal - "Khomaniac"
    The outcome infernal - So die
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  5. by inheritance albümünden thrash metalin en güzel eserlerinden biri.
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  7. bugünlerde daha da bi anlam kazanan şarkı. tüm şeriat yanlılarına dinletilmesi gereken efsanevi parça.

    (bkz: humeyni)
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  9. nedense türkiye'de pek tanınmayan artillery adlı gruba ait şaheser. ayrıca hayatımda dinlediğim en güzel thrash metal parçası.
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  11. Taş gibi thrash metal parçası. Spotify sağolsun gösterdi "bak abicim burda güzel şeyler de var" diyerekten. Thrash seven kardeşim, evet sen. Aç dinle lan manyak bir tur.
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