just in time, i found you just in time
before you came my time was running low
i was lost, the losing dice were tossed
my bridges all were crossed, no where to go
now you're here, now i know just where i'm going
no more doubt or fears i've found my way
for love came just in time
you found me just in time
and changed my lonely life that lucky day
now you're here, now i know just where i'm going
no more doubt or fears i've found my way
for love came just in time
you found me just in time
and changed my lonely life that lucky day..
just in time, you found me just in time
before you came my time was running low
i was lost, the losing dice were tossed
my bridges all were crossed, no where to go
now you're here, now i know just where i'm going
no more doubt or fears i've found my way
just in time
you found me
before you came my time was running low
i was lost, the losing dice were tossed
my bridges all were crossed, no where to go no where to go
now you're here, now i know just where i'm going
no more doubt no more fears i've found my way
for love came just in time
you found me just in time
and changed me changed me changed me
oh oh oh oh
and changed my lonely nights that lucky day
depo calisanlarinin aklini allak bullak eden bir sistemdir. cok hizli bir sekilde yüklemeyi gerceklestirmek gereklidir.
bir kac ürün ayni anda üreten firmalarin depolarinda kaos yaran bir sistemdir.
Firma a 34 palet x ürününü siparis eder, firma b ise y 26 palet ürününü, firma c de 28 tane z ürünü.
A firmasinin tasiyici aracina yüklenen paletlerden birisi devrilir, burada siparis eden ürünlerin cogu zarar görür. Üretim durduysa ayni sekilde yüklenir, gönderilir. Ürünler zarar gördügünden, ismarlayan sirket tazminat ister.
B firmasinda y ürününün üretimi gecikir, sadece 22 palet üretilmistir. diger 4 paletin tazminati ödenir.
C firmasi 28 tane "z" istemis. Ne yazik ki burada en üsteki ürünler ezilmis. Bu yüzden 20 tanesi gönderilir. Yine burada da tazminat ödenir.
Onca tazminat ödenir, nedense hala depodan yer kazanilmaya calisilinir. Üstelik bir cok kazalara da sebep olur.
Hizli calisilmasi gerektiginden elverisli kosullar altinda calisilmaz, yükleyici makinalar ve ortalikta dolanan diger insanlar tehlike arz eder.