yes man'de jim carrey'nin intihar etmeye çalışan adamı kurtarmak için çaldığı mükemmel, tam da o duruma uygun şarkıdır. third eye blind tarafından söylenmektedir. "i would understaaaaaaaand" kısmı dağıtmaktadır. lirikleri:
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies, that you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again
I would understand, I would understand
The angry boy, a bit too insane
Icing over a secret pain
You know you don't belong
You're the first to fight
You're way too loud
You're the flash of light on a burial shroud
I know something's wrong
Well, everyone I know has got a reason
To say put the past away
Wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again
I would understand, I would understand
And well, he's on the table
And he's gone to code
And I do not think anyone knows
What they are doing here
And your friends have left you
You've been dismissed
I never thought it would come to this
And I, I want you to know
Everyone's got to face down the demons
Maybe today we can put the past away
I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies
That you've been living in and if you do not want to see me again
I would understand, I would understand, I would understand
I would understand
I would understand
Can you put the past away?
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
I would understand
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
I would understand
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
And I would understand
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
I would understand
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
And I would understand
Griffin adlı karakterin filmin diğer kahramanlarını performansıyla ezdiği filmdir. ana fikrin güzel olupta elde edilen sonucun beklentileri pekte karşılayamadığı filmlerden sadece biri.
ayrıca bu griffin karakterini Jamie bell canlandırmakta. biraz avrupa sinemasıyla ilgilenen arkadaşlar billy elliot filmini hatırlıyordur mutlaka. işte ordaki velet bu griffin.* o filmde de zıp zıp zıplıyodu ordan oraya, jumper filminde de pek değişmemiş kerata.
hdd, anakart gibi elektronik devrelerde kullanılan zımbırtı.
bu mereti hdd'ye takmadığım için 3 ay boyunca 3 tane hdd aldım bozuk diye.
küçücük bi şey lan. ben bilirim havalarına girmeyin benden demesi. *