tanrıya inanmayı reddetmiştir. yeni ahit sembolik olarak, jezebel adı hristiyanları
putperestliğe sevk eden, çağıran sahte
kadın peygamberler yerine kullanılır.
jezebel putperestlerin idolu olan baale taparcasına bağlıymış. baal'e yandaş
toplamak adına insanlara müthiş
eziyetler yapmış, bebekleri canlı canlı
ateşte yaktırmış, kurban ettirmiştir. hayatı oldukça kötü bir biçimde son
bulmuş. jehu (10. kral) tarafından sarayın yüksekçe penceresinden aşağı
itilmiş, bedeni yerlerde süründürülmüş,
köpeklere atılmıştır. bedeninden geriye
elleri, ayakları ve kafatasının kaldığı,
gerisinin köpekler tarafından yendiği
anlatılır. jehu ayrıca ahabın ailesinin tamamen yok edilmesi emerini vermiş,
oğlunu ve yakınlarından birçok kişiyi de
öldürmüştür. günümüzde de kontrolü elinde tutan,
insanlara eziyet eden, onları(özellikle
erkekleri) parmağında oynatan kadınlar
için de kullanılan bir tanımlama.
1938 tarihli bir amerikan filmi. yönetmen william wyler, oyuncular arasında bette davis ve henry fonda gibi isimler var. bette davis'e 1938'de en iyi kadın oyuncu oscar'ını kazandırmış bir film.
they call you jezebel
whenever we walk in
you're going straight to hell
for wanton acts of sin
they say that i'll have to pay
but i need you just this way
they call you jezebel
for what you like to wear
you're morally unwell
they say you'll never care for me
but what they fail to see
is that your games are the key
open their eyes to the beauty
open their hearts to the fun
open their minds to the idea that you don't own someone
they call you jezebel
whenever men walk by
they say that they can tell
the longing in your eyes is real
and how you really feel
but they can't see your appeal
sanirim bir romanin sonunda kanlar icin yatmasiyla mesur kahramani. ama o jesabel'de olabilir. yine de yazar olan hos gelmistir. serefler vermistir.
(bkz: ucuncu sahsin siiri)
Jezebel wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth
She probably had less than every one of us
But when she knew how to walk she knew
how to bring the house down
Can't blame her for her beauty
She wins with her hands down
Jezebel, what a belle
Looks like a princess in her new dress
How did you get that?
Do you really want to know she said
It would seem she's on her way
It's more, more than just a dream
She put on her stockings and shoes
had nothing to lose - she said it was worth it
Reach for the top
and the sun is gonna shine
Every winter was a war she said
I want to get what's mine
Jezebel, Jezebel
won't try to deny where she came from
You can see it in her pride
and the raven in her eyes
Try show her a better way
she'll say you don't know what you've been missing
by the time she blinks you know she won't be listening
Reach for the top she said
the sun is gonna shine
Every winter was a war she said
I want to get what's mine