
  1. tanrıya inanmayı reddetmiştir. yeni ahit sembolik olarak, jezebel adı hristiyanları
    putperestliğe sevk eden, çağıran sahte
    kadın peygamberler yerine kullanılır.
    jezebel putperestlerin idolu olan baale taparcasına bağlıymış. baal'e yandaş
    toplamak adına insanlara müthiş
    eziyetler yapmış, bebekleri canlı canlı
    ateşte yaktırmış, kurban ettirmiştir. hayatı oldukça kötü bir biçimde son
    bulmuş. jehu (10. kral) tarafından sarayın yüksekçe penceresinden aşağı
    itilmiş, bedeni yerlerde süründürülmüş,
    köpeklere atılmıştır. bedeninden geriye
    elleri, ayakları ve kafatasının kaldığı,
    gerisinin köpekler tarafından yendiği
    anlatılır. jehu ayrıca ahab’ın ailesinin tamamen yok edilmesi emerini vermiş,
    oğlunu ve yakınlarından birçok kişiyi de
    öldürmüştür. günümüzde de kontrolü elinde tutan,
    insanlara eziyet eden, onları(özellikle
    erkekleri) parmağında oynatan kadınlar
    için de kullanılan bir tanımlama.
    2 ...
  2. 14.
  3. 1938 tarihli bir amerikan filmi. yönetmen william wyler, oyuncular arasında bette davis ve henry fonda gibi isimler var. bette davis'e 1938'de en iyi kadın oyuncu oscar'ını kazandırmış bir film.
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  4. 9.
  5. iron and wine olanı pek sevilesidir.

    buyrunuz sözleri;

    who's seen jezebel?
    she was born to be the woman i would know
    and hold like the breeze
    half as tight as both our eyes closed

    who's seen jezebel?
    she went walking where the cedars line the road
    her blouse on the ground
    where the dogs were hungry, roaming

    saying, "wait, we swear
    we'll love you more and holy
    jezebel, it's we, we that you are for

    who's seen jezebel?
    she was born to be the woman we could blame
    make me a beast half as brave
    i'd be the same

    who's seen jezebel?
    she was gone before i ever got to say
    "lay here my love
    you're the only shape i'll pray to, jezebel"

    who's seen jezebel?
    will the mountain last as long as i can wait
    wait like the dawn
    how it aches to meet the day

    who's seen jezebel?
    she was certainly the spark for all i've done
    the window was wide
    she could see the dogs come running

    saying, "wait, we swear
    we'll love you more and wholly
    jezebel, it's we, we that you are for
    1 ...
  6. 8.
  7. depeche mode, sounds of the universe albümünün on ikinci parçası. martin lee gore'un bizlere hediyesi. O kadar güzel geliyor ki arada bir yaptığı şu harika yorumlar. sözleri,

    they call you jezebel
    whenever we walk in
    you're going straight to hell
    for wanton acts of sin
    they say that i'll have to pay
    but i need you just this way

    they call you jezebel
    for what you like to wear
    you're morally unwell
    they say you'll never care for me
    but what they fail to see
    is that your games are the key

    open their eyes to the beauty
    open their hearts to the fun
    open their minds to the idea that you don't own someone

    they call you jezebel
    whenever men walk by
    they say that they can tell
    the longing in your eyes is real
    and how you really feel
    but they can't see your appeal

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  8. 7.
  9. kral kocasini, kocasinin erkek kardesiyle aldatmis yahudi kralice.
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  10. 13.
  11. charles aznavour, edith piaf, sade, iron and wine, frankie laine, ugur isik gibi adlarını tek tek yazamayacağım kadar çok kişinin seslendirdiği efsane parça.
    bir ben kalmışım yani, o kadar diyim.
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  12. 5.
  13. incil ve tevrat da adı geçen kötü yürekli ve günahkar israil kraliçesi.
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  14. 4.
  15. 3.
  16. sanirim bir romanin sonunda kanlar icin yatmasiyla mesur kahramani. ama o jesabel'de olabilir. yine de yazar olan hos gelmistir. serefler vermistir.
    (bkz: ucuncu sahsin siiri)
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  17. 2.
  18. Sade'nin bir sarkisi. Sozleri soyledir:

    Jezebel wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth
    She probably had less than every one of us
    But when she knew how to walk she knew
    how to bring the house down
    Can't blame her for her beauty
    She wins with her hands down

    Jezebel, what a belle
    Looks like a princess in her new dress
    How did you get that?
    Do you really want to know she said
    It would seem she's on her way
    It's more, more than just a dream
    She put on her stockings and shoes
    had nothing to lose - she said it was worth it

    Reach for the top
    and the sun is gonna shine
    Every winter was a war she said
    I want to get what's mine

    Jezebel, Jezebel
    won't try to deny where she came from
    You can see it in her pride
    and the raven in her eyes
    Try show her a better way
    she'll say you don't know what you've been missing
    by the time she blinks you know she won't be listening

    Reach for the top she said
    the sun is gonna shine
    Every winter was a war she said
    I want to get what's mine

    I want to get what's mine
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