jerry goldsmith

entry9 galeri0
  1. 18 kez oscara aday gösterilen ancak the omen filmi ile oscar kazanmış amerikalı kompozitor,müzisyen.21 temmuz 2004 te ölmüstür
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  3. the burbs filmine yaptığı şahane soundtrackle beğenimi kazanmış bestekâr.
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  5. 10 subat 1929 tarihinda los angels kalifoniya´da dogdu, 21 temmuz 2004 tarihinde los angels beverly hills´de vefat etti.
    Taninmis amerikan kompoziyoncusu ve film müzigi yapimcisi. John Williams, Bernard Herrmann ve Henry Mancini ile birlikte, amerikan filmlerinde yapmis olduklari belli müziklerle, 1960 yilindan günümüze tasiyanlardandir.
    Piyano dersleri almistir.
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  7. papillion filmine yaptığı müzikle tüm övgüleri hak edebilecek harika müzisyendir.
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  9. papillon filminin baş eserlerini meydana getirmiş şahane adam.

    - papillon (1973) soundtrack (ost) - 10. theme (alternate)
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  11. the mummy filminin muhteşem ost'ine imzasını atmış kompozördür.
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  13. , (10 Şubat 1929, Los Angeles, California - 21 Temmuz 2004, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles), ABD'li besteci ve orkestra şefi; Maymunlar Cehennemi, Patton, Çin Mahallesi, The Omen, The Boys from Brazil, Poltergeist, Under Fire, Temel içgüdü Powder (1995) gibi pek çok ünlü televizyon ve sinema yapımı için hazırladığı müziklerle tanınmıştır.

    Jerry Goldsmith 10 Şubat 1929'da Los Angeles, California'da dünyaya geldi. Altı yaşından itibaren piyano çalmaya başlayan Goldsmith, ünlü piyanist Jacob Gimpel ile piyano ve bestecilik üzerine özel dersler aldı. On altı yaşından itibaren de italyan besteci Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco'dan müzik teorisi ve kontrpuan dersleri aldı. Bir süre Güney California Üniversitesi'nde öğrenim gördü.

    1950 yılında CBS'in müzik bölümüne girdi. Burada yayınlanan Romance ve CBS Radio Workshop adlı programlar için besteler yaptı. Daha sonra Climax! ve Playhouse 90 adlı televizyon şovları için besteler yaptı. Ayrıca ünlü televizyon dizisi The Twilight Zone 'un (Alacakaranlık Kuşağı) pek çok bölümünün müziklerini besteleyen Goldsmith, 1960'a kadar CBS'te kaldı.

    Mesleğinin duayenlerinden Alfred Newman ile tanışan ve ondan çok etkilenen Goldsmith'in müziğini bestelediği ilk sinema filmi 1963 tarihli klasik bir western filmi olan Lonely Are the Brave (Yalnız ve Cesur) oldu. Alfred Newman önerisiyle girdiği Universal Pictures'ta müziğini bestelediği Freud ona ilk Oscar Ödülü adaylığını getirdi.

    Kariyeri boyunca 17 kez Oscar ödülüne aday gösterilen Jerry Goldsmith, 1976 yılında The Omen filmi için yaptığı müzikle Oscar ödülünü kazadı. Beş Emmy Ödülü bulunan Goldsmith, Altın Küre'ye de defalarca aday gösterilmiş ancak kazanamamıştı.

    Goldsmith, Kildare, Barnaby Jones, Star Trek: The Next Generation gibi televizyon programları için de besteler yapmıştı.

    Kalın bağırsak kanseriyle mücadele eden 75 yaşında Beverly Hills'teki evinde yaşamını yitirdi.
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  16. 2003 Looney tunes - Maceraya devam (music by)
    2002 Uzay Yolu: Nemesis
    2002 En Büyük Korku
    2001 Son kale
    2001 Örümcegin maskesi
    2001 Soarin' Over California (Documentary short)
    2000 Görünmeyen tehlike
    1999 Perili ev
    1999 13üncü savasçi
    1999 Mumya
    1998 Uzay Yolu: Isyan
    1998 Küçük askerler
    1998 Mulan
    1998 Kaçaklarin pesinde
    1998 Derinlikte dehset
    1997 Ihanet
    1997 Hava Kuvvetleri-Bir
    1997 Los Angeles Sirlari
    1997 Vahsi yaratiklar
    1996 Uzay Yolu: Ilk Temas
    1996 Hayalet ve karanlik
    1996 Tepki
    1996 Kritik karar
    1996 City Hall
    1995 Harika çocuk
    1995 Ilk sövalye
    1995 Congo
    1994 Ask ve zeka
    1994 Vahsi nehir
    1994 The Shadow (music composed by)
    1994 Bad Girls
    1994 Angie
    1993 Six Degrees of Separation
    1993 Malice
    1993 Rudy
    1993 Afacan Dennis
    1993 Kaybolus
    1993 Matinee
    1992 The Bogie Man (TV Movie) (music by, credit only)
    1992 Ask tarlasi
    1992 Daima Genç
    1992 Mr. Baseball
    1992 Mom and Dad Save the World
    1992 Temel içgüdü
    1992 Dogadaki Umut (original music)
    1991 Yatagimdaki düsman
    1991 Kizim Olmadan Asla
    1990 Rus evi
    1990 Gremlinler 2 (music by)
    1990 Gerçege çagri
    1990 H.E.L.P. (TV Series)
    1989 Uzay Yolu V: Son Sinir
    1989 Seytan
    1989 Vurgun
    1989 Merakli komsular
    1988 Criminal Law
    1988 Rambo III
    1987 Rent-a-Cop
    1987 Lionheart
    1987 içimde Biri Var
    1987 Hüküm
    1986 Kazanmak arzusu
    1986 Kötü ruh 2
    1986 Amazing Stories (TV Series) (1 episode)
    - Boo! (1986)
    1986 Link
    1985 King Solomon's Mines
    1985 Efsane (director's cut)
    1985 Explorers
    1985 Rambo-Ilk kan 2
    1985 Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend (music by)
    1984 Supergirl: The Making of the Movie (TV Movie documentary)
    1984/I Kaçis
    1984 Supergirl
    1984 Gremlins (music by)
    1984 The Lonely Guy
    1983 Ates altinda
    1983 Dusty (TV Movie)
    1983 Twilight Zone: The Movie
    1983 Psycho II
    1982 Ilk kan
    1982 Büyük düello
    1982 The Secret of NIMH
    1982 Kötü ruh
    1982 Night Crossing
    1981 The Salamander
    1981 Raggedy Man
    1981 Outland
    1981 Inchon
    1981 Masada (TV Mini-Series) (2 episodes)
    - Part II (1981)
    - Part I (1981)
    1981 Omen 3: Son Mücadele
    1980 Kabo Blanko
    1979 Uzay Macerasi
    1979 Players
    1979 Yaratik
    1978 Büyük Tren Soygunu
    1978 Magic
    1978 Vahsetin Çocuklari
    1978 The Swarm
    1978 Ifrit
    1978 Coma
    1977 Hükmedenler
    1977 Contract on Cherry Street (TV Movie)
    1977 Son Destan
    1977 MacArthur
    1977 Akinti Adalari
    1977 Baskanin adamlari (music by)
    1976 Kassandra geçidi
    1976 Acimasizlar
    1976 Kehanet
    1976 Hayal sehir
    1976 Seni gömmeye geldim
    1976 The Hemingway Play (TV Movie)
    1975 Kirik Kalpler Geçidi
    1975 Babe (TV Movie)
    1975 Take a Hard Ride
    1975 Medical Story (TV Movie)
    1975 Medical Story (TV Series)
    1975 Seni Istiyoruz (TV Movie)
    1975 Rüzgarin sesi
    1975 Peter Proud kaç kere yasadi?
    1975 Firar
    1975 Uçak korsanlari
    1975 Archer (TV Series) (1 episode)
    - Shades of Blue (1975)
    1975 Adams of Eagle Lake (TV Series)
    1974 The Best of Times (TV Movie)
    1973-1974 Police Story (TV Series) (16 episodes)
    - Explosion (1974)
    - Across the Line (1974)
    - The Gamble (1974)
    - Chief (1974)
    - Fingerprint (1974)
    Show all 16 episodes
    1974 Saskin ajanlar
    1974 Çin Mahallesi
    1974 QB VII (TV Mini-Series) (2 episodes)
    - Part Three (1974)
    - Part One & Two (1974)
    1974 Winter Kill (TV Movie)
    1974 A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (TV Movie)
    1974 Indict and Convict (TV Movie)
    1973 Kelebek
    1973 Baba öldü
    1973 One Little Indian
    1973 The Going Up of David Lev (TV Movie)
    1973 Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies
    1973 The Red Pony (TV Movie)
    1973 Hawkins (TV Series) (1 episode)
    - Death and the Maiden (1973)
    1971-1973 Walton ailesi (TV Series) (8 episodes)
    - The Townie (1973)
    - The Scholar (1973)
    - The Deed (1973)
    - The Courtship (1973)
    - The Love Story (1973)
    Show all 8 episodes
    1973 Sahane vurgun
    1973 Barnaby Jones (TV Series) (1 episode)
    - Requiem for a Son (1973)
    1972 Kral ve ben (TV Series) (8 episodes)
    - Serana (1972)
    - Louis' Love (1972)
    - The Marriage of Prince Chula (1972)
    - The Haunted Temple (1972)
    - Louis, the Pawn (1972)
    Show all 8 episodes
    1972 Pursuit (TV Movie)
    1972 The Man
    1972 Iblisin kurbanlari
    1972 Kovboylar (credit only)
    1972 Crawlspace (TV Movie)
    1972 Lights Out (TV Movie)
    1971 The Homecoming: A Christmas Story (TV Movie)
    1971 Crosscurrent (TV Movie)
    1971 Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate (TV Movie)
    1971 Son firar
    1971 Vahsi dünya
    1971 Maymunlar Cehenneminden Kaçis
    1971 Seytanin izinde
    1971 A Step Out of Line (TV Movie)
    1970 Son darbe
    1970 Bracken's World (TV Series) (1 episode)
    - A Score Without Strings (1970)
    1970 The Traveling Executioner
    1970 Tora! Tora! Tora!
    1970 The Brotherhood of the Bell (TV Movie)
    1970 Prudence and the Chief (TV Movie)
    1970 Çöl seytani
    1970 General Patton
    1969 Room 222 (TV Series) (2 episodes)
    - The Flu (1969)
    - Richie's Story (1969)
    1969 Ikili oyun
    1969 Çin'in esrari
    1969 Ölümden korkmayanlar
    1969 The Illustrated Man
    1968 Nick Quarry (TV Short)
    1968 CBS Playhouse (TV Series) (1 episode)
    - The People Next Door (1968)
    1968 Bandolero
    1968 Korkunç hakikat
    1968 Maymunlar Cehennemi
    1968 Sebastian
    1964-1967 The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (TV Series) (15 episodes)
    - The Deadly Quest Affair (1967)
    - The Girls of Nazarone Affair (1965)
    - The Never-Never Affair (1965)
    - The Brain-Killer Affair (1965)
    - The Four-Steps Affair (1965)
    Show all 15 episodes
    1967 Hour of the Gun
    1967 Üç Kagitçi
    1967 Kâinati Kurtaran Adam
    1967 Warning Shot
    1966 Macera gemisi
    1960-1966 Gunsmoke (TV Series) (6 episodes)
    - The Whispering Tree (1966)
    - Old Faces (1961)
    - Love Thy Neighbor (1961)
    - The Wake (1960)
    - The Blacksmith (1960)
    Show all 6 episodes
    1966 Jericho (TV Series) (2 episodes)
    - Panic in the Piazza (1966)
    - A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread - and POW (1966)
    1966 Ölüm emri
    1966 Iki Yüzlü Adam
    1966 Ringo, Belalilar postasi
    1966 The Trouble with Angels
    1966 Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam
    1965 Sevgili Arkadasim
    1965 The Loner (TV Series) (2 episodes)
    - One of the Wounded (1965)
    - An Echo of Bugles (1965)
    1965 Prologue: The Artist Who Did Not Want to Paint (Documentary short)
    1965 Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (TV Series) (1 episode)
    - Jonah and the Whale (1965)
    1965 The Legend of Jesse James (TV Series)
    1965 Korkusuzlar
    1965 Fedailer birligi
    1965 Kötülük Yollari
    1965 The Satan Bug
    1961-1965 Dr. Kildare (TV Series) (3 episodes)
    - No Mother to Guide Them (1965)
    - Operation: Lazarus (1962) ... (music score)
    - Admitting Service (1961) ... (as Jerrald Goldsmith)
    1964 The General with the Cockeyed Id (Documentary)
    1964 To Trap a Spy
    1964 Silah Pesinde
    1964 Fate Is the Hunter
    1964 Shock Treatment
    1964 Destry (TV Series) (3 episodes)
    - Stormy Is a Lady (1964) ... (music score)
    - Law and Order Day (1964) ... (music score)
    - Destry Had a Little Lamb (1964) ... (music score)
    1964 Breaking Point (TV Series) (2 episodes)
    - So Many Pretty Girls, So Little Time (1964) ... (music score)
    - A Little Anger Is a Good Thing (1964) ... (music score)
    1964 Heyecanli günler
    1960-1964 Alacakaranlik Kusagi (TV Series) (8 episodes)
    - You Drive (1964) ... (uncredited)
    - The Invaders (1961)
    - Back There (1961)
    - Dust (1961)
    - Nervous Man in a Four Dollar Room (1960)
    Show all 8 episodes
    1963 Mükafat
    1963 Kizimin Macerasi
    1963 Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre (TV Series)
    1963 Doktorlar (TV Series) (1 episode)
    - Justice to a Microbe (1963)
    1963 Çayirdaki zambaklar
    1963 A Gathering of Eagles
    1963 Kraft Mystery Theater (TV Series) (1 episode)
    - Shadow of a Man (1963)
    1963 Sanssiz kadin
    1963 Sonsuz sokaklar
    1962 The Expendables (TV Movie)
    1962 Gizli hakikatler
    1961-1962 Wagon Train (TV Series) (2 episodes)
    - The Wagon Train Mutiny (1962)
    - The Ah Chong Story (1961)
    1962 The Spiral Road
    1962 Yalniz ve Cesur
    1962 The Crimebusters
    1961-1962 Cain's Hundred (TV Series) (11 episodes)
    - Quick Brown Fox (1962) ... (as Jerrald Goldsmith)
    - Women of Silure (1962) ... (as Jerrald Goldsmith)
    - The New Order: Peter Long (1962) ... (as Jerrald Goldsmith, music score)
    - Murder by Proxy: Earl Klegg (1962) ... (as Jerrald Goldsmith, music score)
    - Dead Load: Dave Braddock (1961) ... (as Jerrald Goldsmith, music score)
    Show all 11 episodes
    1959-1962 General Electric Theater (TV Series) (5 episodes)
    - Mister Doc (1962)
    - My Dark Days: Part 1 (1962)
    - Sarah's Laughter (1960)
    - The Last Dance (1959)
    - Hitler's Secret (1959)
    1962 87th Precinct (TV Series) (1 episode)
    - Step Forward (1962) ... (music score)
    1960-1962 Thriller (TV Series) (17 episodes)
    - The Bride Who Died Twice (1962)
    - The Last of the Sommervilles (1961)
    - Masquerade (1961)
    - God Grante That She Lye Stille (1961)
    - The Weird Tailor (1961)
    Show all 17 episodes
    1962 Alcoa Premiere (TV Series) (1 episode)
    - Of This Time, of This Place (1962)
    1961 Man on the Beach (TV Movie)
    1961 Rawhide (TV Series) (1 episode)
    - Incident in the Middle of Nowhere (1961)
    1960 Studs Lonigan (as Jerrald Goldsmith)
    1960 Have Gun - Will Travel (TV Series) (2 episodes)
    - A Head of Hair (1960)
    - The Fatalist (1960) ... (music by)
    1960 Pete and Gladys (TV Series)
    1960 Full Circle (TV Series)
    1960 The Gambler, the Nun and the Radio (TV Movie)
    1959-1960 Playhouse 90 (TV Series) (10 episodes)
    - The Shape of the River (1960)
    - Tomorrow (1960)
    - The Cruel Day (1960)
    - To the Sound of Trumpets (1960)
    - A Dream of Treason (1960)
    Show all 10 episodes
    1959 The Lineup (TV Series) (3 episodes)
    - The Strange Return of Army Armitage (1959)
    - Lonesome as Midnight (1959)
    - Wake Up to Terror (1959)
    1959 Perry Mason (TV Series) (2 episodes)
    - The Case of Paul Drake's Dilemma (1959)
    - The Case of the Blushing Pearls (1959)
    1959 For Better or Worse (TV Series)
    1959 Face of a Fugitive (as Jerrald Goldsmith)
    1959 Peck's Bad Girl (TV Series)
    1959 City of Fear
    1958 The Sergeant and the Lady (TV Movie)
    1958 Studio One (TV Series) (5 episodes)
    - The Desperate Age (1958)
    - The Shadow of a Genius (1958)
    - A Dead Ringer (1958) ... (music)
    - The Fair-Haired Boy (1958)
    - Presence of the Enemy (1958)
    1954-1958 Climax! (TV Series) (10 episodes)
    - Thieves over Tokyo (1958)
    - Shadow of a Memory (1957)
    - Trail of Terror (1957)
    - The Trial of Captain Wirtz (1957)
    - The Garsten Case (1956)
    Show all 10 episodes
    1957 World in White (TV Movie)
    1957 Kara maske
    1956 The Wanderer (TV Movie) (as Jerrald K. Goldsmith)
    1953 The Clay of Kings (TV Movie)
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