frank sinatranin guzel yorumladigi ve kisinin dinledigi vakit maziye beyaz mendil sallamaktan baska bir seyin elden gelmedigini insanin kafasina dank ettiren ammavelakin gene gecmisi tatli bir huzunle hatirlamaya vesile olan parcasi:
when i was seventeen
it was a very good year
it was a very good year for small town girls
and soft summer nights
we'd hide from the lights
on the village green
when i was seventeen
when i was twenty-one
it was a very good year
it was a very good year for city girls
who lived up the stair
with all that perfumed hair
and it came undone
when i was twenty-one
when i was thirty-five
it was a very good year
it was a very good year for blue-blooded girls
of independent means
we'd ride in limousines
their chauffeurs would drive
when i was thirty-five
but now the days grow short
i'm in the autumn of the year
and now i think of my life as vintage wine
from fine old kegs
from the brim to the dregs
and it poured sweet and clear
it was a very good year
it was a mess of good years...
When I was seventeen, it was a very good year.
It was a very good year for small town girls and soft summer nights.
Wed hide from the light on the village green when I was seventeen.
When I was twenty-one, it was a very good year.
It was a very good year for city
Girls who lived up the stairs
With perfume hair that came undone
When I was twenty-one.
When I was thirty-five, it was a very good year.
It was a very good year for blue-blooded
Girls of independent means.
Wed ride in limousines. their chauffeurs
Would drive when I was thirty-five.
But now the days are short, I' m in the
Autumn of the year
And now I think of my life as vintage
Wine from fine old kegs
From the brim to the dregs. it poured
Sweet and clear. it was a very good year.
7 yıldır hakkında hiç birşey yazılmaması çok ilginç olan bir sanat eseridir. Frank sinatra'nin zeytintağı gibi sesi ve muhteşem enstrümental...
ben bu şarkıda mevsimin yaz olduğunu, deniz kıyısındaki evimin balkonunda güzel bir kahvaltıdan sonra çarşaf gibi denizi izler ve gülümserken hayal ederim kendimi.
ama kar yağan bir yılbaşı arifesi de güzel gidebilir.