edit: ipek gel çevirdim. translate mranslate idare et;
although the dictionary is gone buried the dusty pages of frustration caused by my one account, over and over again to come back, not to have heard of no moment of regret that i spent in the dictionary, to love the dictionary, and even to the people around me what this dictionary sharing, hot, say what is a very serious nor very bad hat environment i know the task to stop myself.
because the mutual exchange of ideas between us will never be the talk show as seviyesizlig was not in the political arena of seriousness.
religion, race, language, both on gender issues should we enter into soft hard hundreds discussion. we hit the bottom of the idea of freedom but the day finally come together, we know to have fun. we have no enemies. if it's the only reason, was the order endure between dictionary users. accounts have been deleted, but were included in the new ones. one died, no one was injured, no worry not, no one's heart was breaking.
all this, of course, was used. france is in now, just the opposite: intolerance.
two, three calculations take someone to act as if they were separate. people act like girls are not harassed via private message ... funny amk this?
here, i try not to get caught in the quagmire of intolerance. 27 years old. due to an incident in the dictionary certain individuals so far what i write what i opened a title the target. silent and spend time on the waterfront corner, to enjoy, ones to watch, i love watching. we often speak wife pussy girl lovey dovey them but i always jokingly. nation follows nation, like man and wife, etc. etc. but now we see that the situation remains the joke side.
maybe there saying level issues that we can talk about what time i see the dictionary, the dictionary's and has another nickname, the user i assumed they were girls, i am having difficulty describing their behavior. continue like this for a long time. i see it as a betrayal of the dictionary to remain silent. these friends what kind of a mess, i can not really be in a healthy individual, it sucked the side and i clearly see that, they know its duty to intervene. and mold, but i prefer to listen to my mind calm.
i said to wipe out the root of the trouble of friends, bring them into a normal individuals, they stood buried them will hack into spiritual crisis i'm talking about the formula.
by the author of the ipekgorg example and i say, the more there are others. but i'm a rookie in the glossary in the period outside this time i followed a friend's name always caught my eye and i want to put these people out of fingers to this problem without a personal grudge.
what is the deal with this friend?none of them ever loving? problem, lovelessness and indifference? making them the purse, not at all clear that şakalık event.
if there is one thing we know it's the answer, the secret consists in question. this is our friend. a user we are together in our dictionary. and he has a lot or say. the solution to this trouble or worry kavuşturmadık think we can get rid of the attitude of the people of embarrassing them and their minions after salivating.
i can not be installed where a single female friends. i want you to understand that no way. installing more than one lady here, i'm loading the responsibility in the sense of satisfying them without losing the taste of the business idea.
these sexist attitudes and words, incitement fleeing state and movements, although this person or persons seviyesizlig to show us the obvious, though, we exclude these friends, looking at them through the eyes of donors, we must stop them away from behaviors such as making treated with contempt.
these friends and even colleagues we should embrace them for reintegration, embrace them, and we should take the remedy to their problems. i'm seeing myself in this remuneration. discuss the level of environment, i pursue a stylistic level to learn the art of mutual differences tolerability and passion to teach.
ay kaç gündür her yerde görüyorum şu karıyı, birisi çaylak falan yapsın artık. Sanki tosbağa/urangu/kukla ile ilgili angut ötesi angut başlıklarla sol frame' in gibilmesi yetmiyormuş gibi bide bu harun çıktı. Yok "ipekgorgun e not", yok " ipekgorgun mazosist mis", yok "bugün ingiliz erkeği dövdüm", üstelik günde 100 nickaltı giriyorsunuz ve tepeden hiç düşmüyor. banane mazoşistse, amına mandal takıp oynayacak kadar manyak olsun ister ki.
Gelecek vaad etmeyen vasat bir troll hakkında yapılan ikazdır. Donuz butonunu kullan kardeşim. Malum şahsın tek faideli entry girdiğini görmedim.
bilgi paylaşımı sıfır, kültür ve çeşitli sosyal sınıflara hakim olan yazımı veya hakim olduğu anlatım tarzı yok. Yani ne bileyim entellektüel falan takıl bari. Amım var benim diye geziniyor işte. Al bak çok basit öyle entry girmek.
Doğru bir ikazdir. Fakat gereksiz bir insana bunu anlatsan da anlamaz. Zaten genel olarak ciddiyetsiz olduğu için bu yazıyı da ciddiye almaz. Dislayin.
enteresan ikazdır. ipekgorgun tarzı insanlar her ortama lazımdır. dış dünyada nihat doğan vb. gibi insanlar var bu iş için. ciddi konuşurlar, insanların onları dinlediğini zannederler ama aslında kimsenin umrunda değillerdir. bitmek bilmeyen bir şaka gibi tartışılırlar. işte o arkadaş da sözlüğün nihat doğan'ı gibi bir şey. ciddi veya trol, kız ya da erkek farketmez. beyanı yapan yazarın da dediği gibi, maksat eğlence. susturmayın hatunu(adamı), ciddiye alıyormuş gibi davranın. böyleleri olmadan biz nasıl eğleneceğiz ki?