internet kullanım bozukluğu

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  1. DSM V te var olan rahatsızlık. Çağımızın sorunu.
    DSM-V'e göre "internet kullanım bozukluğu" tanı kriterleri şunlardır: A. internet oyunlarıyla meşgul olma, B. Yoksunluk, C. Tolerans, D. internet oyunları oynama konusunda başarısız bırakma çabaları, E. Psikososyal sorunların bilinmesine rağmen aşırı miktarda internet kullanımının devam etmesi, F. ilgi kaybı, önceki hobilerine ve eğlenceye ilginin azalması (internet oyunu oynama dışında), G. Disforik duygudurumu hafifletmek veya bu durumdan kaçınmak için internet oyunu oynamak, H. internet oyunu oynama süresi ile ilgili aileyi, terapisti ve diğer insanları aldatmak, I. internet oyunu oynama nedeniyle önemli bir ilişkiyi, işi, eğitimi veya kariyer fırsatlarını tehlikeye atmak veya kaybetmek.
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  3. Dsm v ye girmesine sevindiğim , gerçekten çağımızın sorunlarından olan psikolojik rahatsızlık. dsm - ıv de kendilerine yer edinilmemesine şaşırmıştım zaten. Ayrıca vakti zamanında yarım yamalak bir ingilizce ile yazdığım ; sosyal medya , zararları ve sosyal medya hastalıkları üzerine ufak bir çalışma yapmıştım. Belki arkadaşlara kaynak niyetine bir yararı olabilir.


    Investigating about Social Media

    We can define social media as a information and content platfrom which is consisted of the factors for accelerating and getting your lifes easier. Social media consists of contents , every information is a content and every content is a source in social media.Social media creates free argue field in the digital age which many it. People are online and mobile insede of. In the perspective of it's provided attraction by it's own . It is opening it's doors fully about providing information and education. In the social media , information sharing is executed unless affording cost. Immediately it reaches to vast populations.

    Social media has got a difference out of another fields it is a alive platform . The biggest difference between social media and the other fields like newspaper , tv etc... It's being simultaneous enformation sharing region.A dual directional communication is exist there. It 's consantrated to and everybody has right to submit their thougths without any limitations. There are positive and negative effects on individuals exist on social media which turns to good purpose in the side of specially educations and providing information dearly when it is used correctly.

    The effect of social media on the people is great and according to international culture and living conditions there are differences might be observed. Social media usage rates are still being raised in Turkey. When we have a look on lastest data , Turkey's usage ratio is located in 2nd level on European(*) arrangement .

    Harms of Social Media

    Perspectives of the humans to the life is changing by the development of technology. Specially the internet usage , opportunity for reaching the information from a easyway are improving the humans' life honever it is also getting it consumed.

    In fact , we are unsocialized with the idea which supports our being socialized oppositely . Humans want to be shared and liked without their own conscious and it causes the addition. The humans that have addition for this condition they are being so aggressive , depressive and they have also problems to communicate to people. Humans making themselves far away from real world , their emotions are getting weaked day by day through attaching to social media activites.Besides same social media diseases are listed below

    Mouse and keyboard diases

    Ego surf
    Blogger disclose
    Youtube narcissism
    Myspace dishonesty
    Pursuit of google

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