ingilizceye çevrilmiş türkçe şiirler

    Let the world to children at least for one day
    Let them the world and let play like a tinsel balloon
    Let play with singing among the stars
    Let the world to children
    Like a huge apple, like a nice and warm loaf of bread
    Satisfy them at least for one day
    Let the world know friendship at least one day
    Children will bereave the world from us
    They will plant immortal trees

    Nazim hikmet- dunyayi verelim cocuklara.
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  3. Roger finch yahya kemal ve yunus emre'den birçok şiiri ingilizceye çevirmiştir. Yahya kemal'in şiirlerini hazırladığı antolojide yayımlamıştır.

    Exile, what is it, can he know who has not been driven Out to some aloof land? O exile, days of unbroken
    Sunset, unbroken distances, days sunk in misery!
    And the years go by, years of sorrow, years of powerty.
    In a desert dryness, it is the mind’s waterlessness,
    It is both the yearning to fall asleep and sleeplessness.
    It is that stealthiest of torments, time that will not move on,
    It is the exixtence of a thousand wrongs, pardon withdrawn.
    The pain of loneliness is farr worse than any torture;
    Yet this man, overcome by it, to be broken must endure.

    Gurbet nedir bilir mi o menfaya gitmeyen?
    Ey gurbet, ey gurubu ufuklarda bitmeyen Ömrün derinliğinde süren kaygı günleri!
    Yıllarca fakr içinde, hayatın hüzünleri;
    Bir çöl çoraklığında hayalin susuzluğu; Hem uyku ihtiyaçları, hem uykusuzluğu. En sinsi bir eza gibidir geçmeyen zaman;
    Bin türlü başka cevri de cardır bi-aman;
    Yalnızlığın azabı her işkenceden beter;
    Yalnız bu kahrı insanı tahrip için yeter.

    Before alighting, the soul sails through
    Heaven’s shoreless hue;
    Doesn’t Noah in the Flood thus resemble a bird too?
    The sky above is laden with prolonged clouds that capture
    Momently below the sea’s primeval foamy texture.
    The sea in its shaking does not know what its waves number,
    As millions of waves millions of waves more from slumber;
    Its constant uproar is a folk song, spacious, full of cries,
    Full of millions of shutings, millions of shouted replies.
    Each time the stars in their highlands open to the atmosphere,
    A world they have imagined begins to appear.
    Only a soul-supporting air is above in the sky;
    It s in the sensations that teach daydreams how to fly.
    Only in this tier of the can constant flight be real
    With every turn, the soul, that bird with scissor wings of steel,
    Sights land on the horizon for less than a few moments,
    Free in the sky, flying free in the sea, free in the distance.

    Uçmakta, konmadan, kıyısız bir denizde ruh;
    Benzer mi böyle bir kuşa Tufan içinde Nuh?
    Üstünde gök, sürekli bulutlarla, yüklüdür;
    Altında gür deniz ki ezelden köpüklüdür.
    Çalkantısında dalgası bilmez nedir sayı;
    Milyonca dalga sürmede milyonca dalgayı;
    Hiç durmayan gürültüsü bir türküdür, geniş,
    Milyonca haykırış dolu, milyonca sesleniş.
    Yıldızlar ülkesinde açıldıkça yükseğe,
    Başlar hayal edindiği alem görünmeye,
    Bir ruhu besleyen hava yalnız yukardadır.
    Hülyayı daima uçuran duygulardadır.
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  5. you know who i love
    oh my love
    u should check the first letters
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