ingilizceni konuştur

entry70 galeri8 ses1
  1. em dibêjin asta ingilizîya me b1 e, tu dibêjî ingilizîya xwe biaxifîne!

    ingilizcem b1'de kaldığından kürtçemi konuşturdum.

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  2. 66.
  3. how can I say to you in incilizce
    aaamm eaammmm
    where is the bus where is the car how much at home
    bye bye happiness, hello loneliness..
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  4. 66.
  5. Niple niple i suck your liple..

    Flovirs li poemler sir..
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  6. 65.
  7. 64.
  8. Im Starving and I got nothing to eat.
    0 ...
  9. 63.
  10. 62.
  11. 61.
  12. dear mechanical engineer,
    you have to use plural form of "to be" which is "are", due to using "things". when you put "s" to end of a word, it means that you're using plural form and The auxiliary verb changes automatically.

    i hope it'll help you.

    from an engineer, software engineer to mechanical engineer.


    edit: uçmuş entry...
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  13. 60.
  14. 59.
    Aksanlı konuşuyoruz biz aslanım. ingiliz kırması olmayanlar anlamaz.
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  16. 58.
  17. Yes may friennd.

    We go next day. Don't today. Yes.
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  18. 55.
  19. 54.
  20. Vannn, tuu, triii, forooo oo o oo o. Ağrı mountain eteğindeee...
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  21. 53.
  22. Je pas bien parler l'anglais. Qui pouvez parler français avec moi?
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  23. 53.
  24. speaking english? i live in english. it's not a language to me. it's totally best way of expressing my own. you know, sometimes i'm dreaming of a world, all people understand each other perfect. yes, i would dream. imagine all the people dancing and touching each other, communicate in a joyful harmony.
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  25. 52.
  26. format is fucking, very very fucking.
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  27. 51.
  28. 50.
  29. Sesi bu kadar cekici baska bir kadinla konusmadim simdiye kadar.
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  30. 49.
  31. 48.
  32. 47.
  33. 46.
  34. 45.
  35. 44.
  36. 43.
  37. Dear english;

    You must talk with them.
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