it is the topic that users on this platform write in english language as far as they can. i know, some of you will say that it isn't so much
important to write for nothing whereas there's a far more efficient and valid way to do so: speaking. But not everyone seems to have this opportunity, so i decided to bring this topic to live once again in order to encourage the people to speak in their own and unique way.
i think that writing english entry is unnecessary. uludag is not a famous web site abroad. even if i wrote in english, only turkish writers could read who know english, so what we are doing here is that we just display our english skill. all in all, amk o kadar demagoji yaptım ama ingilizce yazdım. ben ne çeşit bir salağım ya.
parçada yazar az çok ingilizce bildiğini belirtmek istiyor.
it seems every one of individual that writing in here isn't aware of the fact that they cannot express themselfs without mistakes which makes sense for me because they haven't got the basic fundamentals of english.
but, trying something to do is better than not to. the only thing we need to know is that we better stop thinking turkish when we write in english.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you
hello am 48 year old man from somalia. sorry for my bed england. i selled my wife for internet connection for write on "uludağ sözlük" and i want to become the goodest writer like you i surf with 400 ping on turkey server and i have 176 karma. pls no copy pasterino my story."
(bu kadar uyarlayabildim. gerçekten sorry for my "bed england" ya.)