venom'un welcome to hell* albumunde yer alan bir parcasi.
efenim simdi ortaokuldayken bunlari* ricky martin'le, tarkan'la, askin nur yengi'yle beraber bir ondan bir bundan dinlerdik kizlarin da gonlu olsun hoplayalim ziplayalim diye. neyseki sonradan (bendeki yeri ozeldir, zira bu parcanin uzerine) kafeci* abi metallica, iron maiden kasetleri falan vermeye basladi bana. korka korka kucukken alistim, mutluyum.
i'm in league with satan
i was raised in hell
i walk the streets of salem
amongst the living dead
i need no one to tell me
what's wrong or right
i drink the blood of children
stalk my prey at night
look out beware
when the full moon's high n'bright
in every way i'm there
in every shadow in the night
coz i'm evil in league with satan
evil in league with satan
i'm in league with satan
obey his commands
with the goat of mendes
sitting at his left hand
i'm in league with satan
i love the dead
no one prayed for sodom
as the people fled
i'm in league with satan
i am the masters own
i drink the juice of women
as they lie alone
i'm in league with satan
i bear the devils mark
i kill the new born baby
tear the infants flesh