london, paris, munich, rome, ıbiza, new york, miami, rio
ıbiza, ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ıbiza
stand up sunshine
sweety so sweet take me high and higher
that guy in the line
that night goes on and on
that night goes on and on
the power
london, paris, munich, rome, ıbiza, new york, miami, rio
ıbiza, ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ıbiza
power rythm
that time has come
this is the tribute
this is the master plan
time out in the night
viva la revolution
power rythm
london, paris, munich, rome, ıbiza, new york, miami, rio
ıbiza, ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ıbiza
ıbiza ibiza
bir rivayete gore gece kulupleri 12de acilir sabaha karşı kapılarını kapatırmış.hizini alamayanlar ise sabah 6dan oglene kadar acik olan sabah diskolarina akarmış...