birçok t-shirt' ün üzerinde bulabileceğiniz yazı. "aptal ile birlikteyim" şeklinde türkçe' ye çevrilebilse de en güzeli " yanımdaki bir aptal" çevirisidir.
great pains
i've gone to gang slang
i've gone to lame brain
looking for gold i
i have become someone else
outside stepping to inside
stepping to my side
stepping i wade through shit
he's a loser
he's a loser, she said
i am mine, i am mine
i am mine, i am mine
i am mine, i
i can't become someone else
he's a loser
he's a loser, she said
he's a loser
he's a loser, she said
Pet Shop Boys 'un fundemental adlı albümünde yer alan ve Tony Blair'ın George bush ile olan sevdalı (!) siyasal ilişkisini Tony Blair beyin ağzından çok güzel bir şekilde anlatan şarkıdır. Elalem şarkı yazar orda burda söyler, bizimkiler de bir sayfa karikatür yayınlar mahkemelerde sürünür. Eh tabi burası Türkiye, yok öyle * Tamam, uzatmıyorum ve şimdi sözlerini yazıyorum şarkının:
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
see you on the tv
call you every day
fly across the ocean
just to let you get your way
no one understands me
where i'm coming from
why would i be with someone
who's obviously so dumb?
love comes
love grows
every time you rise to meet me
take my hand to greet me
love comes
love grows
and power can give a man
much more than anybody knows
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
before we ever met
i thought like everybody did
you were just a moron
a billion-dollar kid
you flew up all the way
like a hawk chasing a dove
i never thought that i would be
a sacrifice in love
it comes
it grows
and now we're tied together
everybody knows
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
is stupid really stupid
or a different kind of smart?
do we really have a relationship
so special in your heart?
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
i have to ask myself
like any lover might:
have you made a fool of me?
are you not mr right?
you grin
i pose
it's not about sincerity
everybody knows
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
oh-oh, i'm with stupid
is stupid really stupid
or a different kind of smart?
that's how you stole my heart
i'm with stupid