bir opeth akustik şaheseri,blackwater park'dan.
stay with me a while
rise above the vile
name my final rest
poured into my chest
into the orchard i walk peering way past the gate
wilted scenes for us who couldn't wait
drained by the coldest caress, stalking shadows ahead
halo of death, all i see is departure
mourner's lament but it's me who's the martyr
pledge yourself to me
never leave me be
sweat breaks on my brow
given time ends now
into the orchard i walk peering way past the gate
wilted scenes for us who couldn't wait
drained by the coldest caress, stalking shadows ahead
halo of death, all i see is departure
mourner's lament but it's me who's the martyr
spirit painted sin
embers neath my skin
veiled in pale embrace
reached and touched my face
into the orchard i walk peering way past the gate
wilted scenes for us who couldn't wait
drained by the coldest caress, stalking shadows ahead
halo of death, all i see is departure
mourner's lament but it's me who's the martyr
opeth'in sakin,damar ve opeth'e en benzemeyen sarkilarindan.damnation'a bile gitmiyor o derece farkli ve o derece guzel.
klibi de hostur,opeth'in studyodaki hallerini gosterir.muhabbet edislerini,peter'in solo yazmaya calismasini,mikael'in telefonla konusmasini,steven wilson'in* ortalikta takilmasini gosterir.bir de klibin basinda mikael ile peter bir yere dogru yurumeye baslarlar,klip boyunca ara ara ilerlerken gozukurler,bende acaba nereye varicaklar diye dusunurken bisi olmadan klip bitmistir.bir acaip espri anlayisi var akerfeldt'in sanirim*
gecelerime anlam katan şarkı. her gece yatmadan mutlaka dinliyorum. bazen abartıp 10 kez dinliyorum. opeth'in en içten ve samimi şarkılarından biri kesinlikle. dünyanın en güzel şarkılarından biridir bana göre.