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  1. TurgutReis nickli bir yorumcu süper bir ingilizcesiyle guardian ın Martin Kettle adlı yazarına ayar vermiştir. malum yazar "40 yıldır devam ediyor: sol hala sosyalizmin bittiğini anlayamadı" başlıklı bir yazı yazmış ve rusya'nın gürcistana müdahalesini eleştirmiş. tabi malum olduğu üzere oryantalist bir bakış açısıyla. bizimki kettle'yi propagandayla suçlarken ne o kettle allende olaylarına geri dönülüp bu pislikleri sadece amerika mı yapsın diyor..

    What a nauseating witches' brew of propaganda Kettle pours! Drunk trotskyist warmongers flipping numbers around, the invasion of South Ossetia and mass murder of Russians by a NATO proxy flipped around as the invasion of Georgia by Russia, the "end of socialism" announced by the poppy-red bloom that has spread from Hugo Chavez's shirt to the rest of the US's Monroe Doctrine near abroad while the US and EU are grappling with financial and military armaggedon: What a splendid example of the Kettle calling the pot black!

    Kettle and his dipsomaniac trot friend like to play with numbers, do they? Since you like flipping sixes around, try flipping these:


    Cuba: Bay of Pigs invasion.

    Ecuador : A CIA-backed junta forces the democratically elected President Jose Velasco to resign.

    Congo: The CIA assassinates the democratically elected Patrice Lumumba.


    Dominican Republic: A CIA-backed military junta overthrows the democratically elected Juan Bosch.

    Ecuador: A CIA-backed military junta overthrows President Arosemana and cancels the 1964 elections.


    Brazil: A CIA-backed military junta overthrows the democratically elected government of Joao Goulart and unleashes Latin America's first CIA-trained death squads.


    Vietnam: US Marines begin the invasion of Vietnam following a fabricated casus belli, the infamous "Gulf of Tonkin" incident.

    Indonesia: A CIA-backed military junta overthrows the democratically elected Sukarno. The CIA has been trying to eliminate Sukarno since 1957, using everything from attempted assassination to sexual intrigue, for nothing more than his declaring neutrality in the Cold War. His successor, General Suharto, will massacre between 500,000 to 1 million civilians accused of being "communist." The CIA supplies the names of countless suspects.

    Dominican Republic: US Marines invade the country and crush a popular rebellion against the CIA-backed military dictatorship, aiming to reinstall Juan Bosch as the countrys elected leader.

    Congo (Zaire): A CIA-backed military coup installs Mobutu Sese Seko as dictator. The Butcher of Zaire reigns for 32 years, amassing a personal fortune worth $ billions.


    Greece: The CIA colonels seize power days before the elections where Papandreou's victory was seen as certain. The junta applies the latest CIA doctrine of widespread murder and torture against the opposition. US president Johnson tells the Greek ambassador: "Fuck your parliament and your constitution."

    Vietnam: The CIA unleashes its "Operation Phoenix" death squads that murder and torture tens of thousands of Vietnamese.


    Revolutionary fervor grips the world as Che Guevara, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy are assassinated, which is perceived as an all-out assault by US imperialism and racism against national liberation and human rights movements. Mammoth antiwar protests are held in the US and Europe as Vietnamese liberation forces launch their Tet offensive, striking fear into the heart of the half-million-strong invaders. The US halts the bombing of North Vietnam and sues for peace.


    Vietnam: US military pullout begins.

    Cambodia: Secret US bombing of Cambodia begins, generating support for the Khmer Rouge who will eventually take over and kill 2 million Cambodians (slightly more than those killed by US bombing).


    What do you say, Kettle, want to go on with the sevens, Allende, Watergate, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, etc? Didn't think so. Go stand in the corner Kettle, you just flunked Russia-bashing 101.
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