
entry6 galeri0
  1. 69 eyes in hit makinesi blessed be albumunden bir parca

    Down by the riverbank in the old bayou
    I am digging a grave into mud just for you
    And the hardest rains always come from Tupelo
    The hardest rains always come from Tupelo
    Blinded by the moonshine from Mexico
    I'm singing blues waiting for the death row
    And the hardest rains always come from Tupelo
    Another dead baby born in Tupelo

    Do you believe in God
    Do you believe in Jesus Christ
    Have mercy on me Lord
    I must have been blind
    Go a beast inside that I sometimes just can't hide
    When the wolfbane blooms and the shadows come alive
    Death will be my bride

    Down by the riverbank in the old bayou
    I am digging a grave into mud just for you
    And the hardest rains always come from Tupelo
    The hardest rains always come from Tupelo

    Do you believe in God
    Do you believe in Jesus Christ
    Have mercy on me Lord
    I must have been blind
    Go a beast inside that I sometimes just can't hide
    When the wolfbane blooms and the shadows come alive
    Death will be my bride
    1 ...
  2. 2.
  3. polonya dendiğinde akla ilk gelen black metal grubudur. Rob Darken ın one man projectidir. 1992 de kurulmuştur.


    Necromanteion Demo
    Promo June '92 Demo
    Drunemeton Demo
    Epilogue Demo
    In The Glare Of Burning Churches Demo
    The Celtic Winter Demo
    Carpathian Wolves albüm
    The Celtic Winter EP
    Thousand Swords albüm
    In The Glare Of Burning Churches albüm
    Following The Voice of Blood Demo
    Following The Voice Of Blood albüm
    Immortal Pride albüm
    Epilogue/In The Glare Of Burning Churches Compilation
    Impaler's Wolves EP
    Raiders of Revenge Split
    Creed of Iron albüm
    Epilogue / Impaler's Wolves Compilation
    Raise Your Sword ! EP
    Blood Of Heroes EP
    Memory And Destiny albüm
    The Fire of Awakening albüm
    Dawn Of Iron Blades albüm
    Fire Chariot of Destruction albüm
    Wotan Mit Mir EP
    Will Stronger Than Death

    (bkz: white hand s power)
    (bkz: for pagan and heretic s blood)
    (bkz: thousand swords)
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  4. 3.
  5. 2007 will stronger than death albümüyle sıçmış pagan black grubu.
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  6. 4.
  7. polonya'nın en iyi black metal grubudur. buna rağmen adı behemoth'un gerisinde kalmıştır. her albümü underground tadında, birbirinden farklı, orijinal ve kalitelidir.
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  8. 5.
  9. nsbm akımında bulunan grup. şu anki kadrosu,

    Robert "Rob Darken" Fudali - vocals, guitar, bass guitar, synthesizers, keyboard instruments, drums, drum programming

    -evet yanlış görmediniz solo projedir-
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  10. 6.
  11. the jester race albümünden kısa ama aşmış in flames şarkısı. death metal klasiklerindendir.* sözleri de alttaki gibidir:

    Mankind - proud conqueror and king
    swings its flag of primal glory to the winds
    Titans of the power-myth that failed
    Neanderthal hunger for the flesh of war so frail

    So weak, so hollow-minded
    the primat flock responds
    the jester race submits

    For each day of war is a failure for man,
    enslaved in her mordial genes
    Illusions bleed from their fetid cores,
    bent to their rotten extremes

    We, the plague of Terra Firma,
    nature's grand and last mistake
    plant the poisoned seed of cancer,
    set the severed fruits awake
    Burning like frozen relics
    in god's archaic graveland

    Burn the visionaire
    Kill the ideaologies
    Mankind must die

    The doves and the angels return to their graves
    with flames on their pestilent wings
    while mushroom-clouds haunt their virginwhite skies
    to rape their utopian dreams

    Living the last days of evolution's end
    from the nest of humanity, the graveland vultures rend.
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