ağırlıkla siyah ve tonları giyinirler. mimarisi ise sivri kuleler, şatolar, heykeller vb gibidir. dinledikleri müziklerde senfonik melodiler mevcuttur. şarkı sözleri depresiftir, mitolojik olanları da vardır.
Güney iskandinavya'nın Gotland bölgesinde yaşamış savaşçı bir Cermen kavimmiş. 2.yy'dan 6.yy'a kadar kavim olarak varlıklarını sürdürmüşler, bir çok güçlü milleti* ve kavmi yağmalamışlar. 6.yy'da Vizigotlar ve Ostrogotlar olarak ikiye ayrılmışlar. beyaz ten, renkli göz ve siyah saç fiziksel özellikleriymiş. *
goth oldukları iddia edilen müzik grupları şu şekildedir:
13 candles (united kingdom)
13th chime (united kingdom)
13 knots (california, usa)
13th moon (japan)
13th sky (california, usa)
13 tombs (united kingdom)
1919 (united kingdom)
26 tears (belgium)
45 grave (california, usa)
99 stellavista (new york, usa)
acid bats (mexico)
actifed (united kingdom)
adams family (united kingdom)
address unknown (alabama, usa)
adoration (united kingdom)
advent sleep (usa)
after dusk (greece)
age of heaven (germany)
ahráyeph (belgium)
aidons la norvège (italy)
alaydha (mexico)
alien sex fiend (united kingdom)
alice on speed (germany)
all gone dead (united kingdom)
all living fear (united kingdom)
altered states (united kingdom)
am tag unter null (germany)
ancestry, the (united kingdom)
andi hayes (california, usa)
anfisbena (bolivia)
angel and the badman (belgium)
antiworld (oregon, usa)
a place to bury strangers (new york, usa)
apocalypse theatre (minnesota, usa)
archétypo 120 (portugal)
arc gotic (romania)
artica (italy)
arts of erebus (germany)
asmodi bizarr (germany)
a spectre is haunting europe (canada)
astrovamps (california, usa)
asylum party (france)
asylum xiii (virginia, usa)
atomic neon (germany)
atomic spider (canada)
audra (arizona, usa)
ausgang (united kingdom)
autumn (minnesota, usa)
autumn cathedral (california, usa)
autumn of north (united kingdom)
avant-garde (italy)
avaritia (germany)
awakening, the (south africa)
baby shower (new york, usa)
balaam and the angel (united kingdom)
bat attakk (germany)
batcave 13 (ukraine)
bauhaus (united kingdom)
batzz in the belfry (california, usa)
beauty for ashes (new york, usa)
belfegore (germany)
bell, book and candle (new york, usa)
bellmer dolls (new york, usa)
bells of soul (brazil)
bell tower bats (california, usa)
beryl beloved (colorado, usa)
beyond the wall of sleep (germany)
big electric cat (australia)
birthday party, the (australia)
bitter grace (new york, usa)
bizarre orkeztra, the (sweden)
black atmosphere (washington, usa)
black chanterelle (italy)
black dolls, the (california, usa)
black ice (california, usa)
blacklist (new york, usa)
black roses, poetry & death (united kingdom)
blessure grave (california, usa)
blood and roses (united kingdom)
bloody dead and sexy (germany)
bohemien (italy)
bolshoi, the (united kingdom)
bomb party, the (united kingdom)
bonapartes, the (france)
bone orchard (united kingdom)
breathing of bones (russia)
breath of life, the (belgium)
brickbats, the (new york, usa)
brillig (australia)
brotherhood of pagans (france)
burning gates (italy)
burning image (california, usa)
cadillacs and cadavers (canada)
cadra ash (germany)
calling dead red roses (germany)
cancer barrack (germany)
capela das almas (portugal)
carcrash international (united kingdom)
castrati (france)
casual sanity (belgium)
catastrophe ballet (germany)
caves, the (germany)
cemetary girlz, the (france)
cemetery whispers (california, usa)
chants of maldoror (italy)
chapel of thieves (california, usa)
charlotte`s shadow (ireland)
children on stun (united kingdom)
children's zoo, the (new york, usa)
christabel dreams (italy)
christian death (california, usa)
christ vs. warhol (california, usa)
chrysalis morass (france)
cinema strange (california, usa)
clair obscur (france)
clan of xymox (netherlands)
coffinettes, the (michigan, usa)
corpus delicti (france)
counting the mad (united kingdom)
craft, the (united kingdom)
crush violets (california, usa)
crucifix nocturnal christians (argentina)
cryscendo (wisconsin, usa)
cure, the (united kingdom)
cured, the (california, usa)
curiosity (belgium)
curious (germany)
curse of the vampire (france)
cyan revue (germany)
da! (illinois, usa)
dada dumdums (germany)
damned, the (united kingdom)
dance with the gloom (france)
daniel colletti (germany)
danse society, the (united kingdom)
dark, the (france)
darkness visible (australia)
dark orange (united kingdom)
dark side cowboys (sweden)
dark theater, the (illinois, usa)
darlings' cabinet of sundry horror (new jersey, usa)
date at midnight (italy)
daughters of bristol, the (washington, usa)
dawn of oblivion (sweden)
days are nights (brazil)
dead artist syndrome (california, usa)
deadchovsky (france)
deadfly ensemble, the (new york, usa)
dead guitars (united kingdom)
dead sea surfers (tennessee, usa)
dead souls rising (france)
dearest death (texas, usa)
deathcamp project (poland)
death party (california, usa)
death ride 69 (california, usa)
decima victima (spain)
deep eynde, the (california, usa)
demian ashes (italy)
déraison noire (france)
desmo donte (california, usa)
de volanges (belgium)
die laughing (united kingdom)
dies irae (france)
dies irae (minnesota, usa)
dirge carolers, the (massachusetts, usa)
disjecta membra (new zealand)
diva destruction (california, usa)
doppelgänger (russia)
drama of the spheres (france)
dr. arthur krause (sweden)
dream disciples (united kingdom)
dreamspiral (spain)
dread, the (california, usa)
dreadful shadows (germany)
dronning maud land (germany)
droserae (france)
drowning season, the (maryland, usa)
eat your make-up (france)
ecos dalma (brazil)
eden house, the (united kingdom)
el clan (mexico)
elegia (brazil)
elusive (norway)
elvira and the bats (france)
emma conquest (united kingdom)
empire hideous, the (new york, usa)
end of data (france)
entertainment (georgia, usa)
erato (belgium)
espiritus xelene (peru)
eternal chapter, the (south africa)
eternal fall, the (spain)
euroshima (argentina)
eva (poland)
eva o halo experience (california, usa)
every new dead ghost (united kingdom)
evil speaks, the (germany)
exedra (germany)
experiment perilous (california, usa)
ex-voto (california, usa)
eyaculacion post mortem (spain)
eye's of the nightmare jungle (germany)
faces of sarah, the (united kingdom)
faith and the muse (california, usa)
fallacious world (france)
false faces (france)
fangs on fur (california, usa)
fear cult (california, usa)
fear of the storm (italy)
fields of the nephilim (united kingdom)
fixion (uruguay)
flagelo clériga (peru)
flesh eaters, the (california, usa)
flir, the (california, usa)
flowers of romance (greece)
flowers of sacrifice, the (united kingdom)
flowers of the past, the (united kingdom)
forced oscillations (russia)
frank the baptist (california, usa)
frozen autumn, the (italy)
funhouse (sweden)
garden of delight (germany)
garçons coiffeurs (france)
gargoyle sox (michigan, usa)
gärten kirkhöf (ohio, usa)
graven scars (new york, usa)
gene loves jezebel (united kingdom)
gestalt (france)
ghost dance (united kingdom)
ghost of lemora (united kingdom)
giardino violetto (italy)
gloria mundi (united kingdom)
goat of bethlehem, the (brazil)
gorgonas (mexico)
götterdämmerung (netherlands)
grassby & walker (united kingdom)
graveyardz, the (argentina)
grooving in green (united kingdom)
grotesque sexuality (russia)
guilty strangers (texas, usa)
hall of souls, the (germany)
handful of snowdrops (canada)
hapalochlaena_maculosa (russia)
happy cadavres, the (germany)
happy haus, the (california, usa)
hatesex (california, usa)
h-bomb white noise (california, usa)
hearts fail (texas, usa)
his electro blue voice (italy)
holy blood (france)
holy cow (massachusetts, usa)
horatii, the (united kingdom)
house of usher, the (germany)
human disease (italy)
human drama (louisiana, usa)
hysteric helen (slovakia)
h. zombie (spain)
igreja do sexo (brazil)
ikon (australia)
il giardino violetto (italy)
iloy (japan)
imaginary walls (sweden)
in excelsis (united kingdom)
in grave (california, usa)
inkubus sukkubus (united kingdom)
in loving memory (italy)
into the abyss (germany)
isolation ward (belgium)
jacquy bitch (france)
jerusalem syndrome (australia)
jesus manson (wisconsin, usa)
joy disaster (france)
joy division (united kingdom)
katzenjammer kabarett (france)
kill sister kill (california, usa)
kindred spirits (sweden)
kiss the blade (austria)
kitchen and the plastic spoons (sweden)
kommunity fk (california, usa)
kontakt 46 (germany)
knutz, the (brazil)
krakow kasanovas (sweden)
kukl (iceland)
la calle morgue (ecuador)
lady besery's garden (germany)
lahka muza (slovakia)
la peste negra (spain)
last cry, the (united kingdom)
last dance, the (california, usa)
last days of jesus, the (slovakia)
laughing mothers, the (united kingdom)
la voz de tus ausentes (mexico)
l'enfance éternelle (france)
les maîtres (france)
les modules etranges (france)
lestat (ohio, usa)
leichenliebe (germany)
le vene di lucretia (italy)
limbo (italy)
l insignifiante morte (mexico)
london after midnight (california, usa)
lords of the new church (united kingdom)
los carniceros del norte (spain)
los paralitikos (spain)
love like blood (germany)
love infernal (italy)
loves labours lost (germany)
lucie cries (france)
luiza fria (brazil)
lycia (arizona, usa)
lyncelia (france)
madame edwarda (japan)
madre del vizio (germany)
mailuna (california, usa)
malaise (sweden)
malochia (netherlands)
marchesa casati, the (belgium)
march violets, the (united kingdom)
marionettes, the (united kingdom)
mask for (germany)
martyr whore (france)
masochistic religion (canada)
mekrokiev (mexico)
mephisto walz (california, usa)
merciful nuns (germany)
meridian (australia)
merry thoughts, the (germany)
midnight call (massachusetts, usa)
miguel and the living dead (poland)
militia christi (italy)
miranda sex garden (united kingdom)
mission, the (united kingdom)
momento mori (united kingdom)
monozid (germany)
morbid poetry (germany)
mt. sims (germany)
mumbles, the (united kingdom)
murder at the registry (germany)
murnaus playhouse (finland)
musta paraati (finland)
naughty zombies (spain)
naked and the dead, the (new york, usa)
naked masks (italy)
neon (italy)
neon dream (germany)
nervous choir (united kingdom)
neurotic doll (japan)
neva (france)
new days delay (germany)
new thrill parade (california, usa)
new zero god (greece)
nfd (united kingdom)
nietzsche's bitch (mexico)
nightchild, the (ukraine)
nightmoves (united kingdom)
nightporter (united kingdom)
noctivagus (portugal)
norma loy (france)
nosferatu (united kingdom)
no tears (france)
novocaine mausoleum (russia)
ochrana, the (new york, usa)
of a mesh (new york, usa)
opium dream estate (france)
ordeal by fire (italy)
orquideas francesas (brazil)
ostia (australia)
oxsana prism (belgium)
parálisis permanente (spain)
paralysed age (germany)
parchment prayer (germany)
passion noire (germany)
passion play (united kingdom)
pauvre maltea (wisconsin, usa)
peeling grey (california, usa)
phaida (japan)
phantasmagoria (croatia)
phantom bertha (russia)
phantom limbs, the (california, usa)
phantom vision (portugal)
pink turns blue (germany)
pins and needles (california, usa)
pitchipoii (colombia)
plague, the (new york, usa)
plastique noir (brazil)
play dead (united kingdom)
plush insane (germany)
pornografia (poland)
pretentious, moi? (united kingdom)
projekt krummen mauern (brazil)
projeto renfield (brazil)
prophetess, the (california, usa)
proximate force, the (germany)
psukaï (france)
psychosurgery (michigan, usa)
quarzo nero (italy)
quidam (spain)
rabies, the (new york, usa)
radio scarlet (california, usa)
radio werewolf (california, usa)
ravensdiner (germany)
readership hostile, the (california, usa)
rebel christening (united kingdom)
redemption (utah, usa)
red lorry yellow lorry (united kingdom)
red lipstick death (missouri, usa)
red temple spirits (california, usa)
regenzeit (germany)
remembrance (spain)
reptyle (germany)
requiem in white (new york, usa)
return to khaf'ji (united kingdom)
revenge of nephthys (germany)
rhombus (united kingdom)
romance (united kingdom)
rosa crvx (france)
rose of avalanche, the (united kingdom)
rosetta stone (united kingdom)
rubella ballet (united kingdom)
rrrrrrr (uruguay)
(((s))) (denmark)
sad lovers and giants (united kingdom)
salvation (united kingdom)
sator codex (sweden)
satori (italy)
scarecrow (new york, usa)
scarlet and the spooky spiders (italy)
scarlet's remains (california, usa)
scary bitches (united kingdom)
screaming banshee aircrew (united kingdom)
screaming dead (united kingdom)
screams for tina (california, usa)
scream silence (germany)
s.c.u.m (united kingdom)
secret discovery (germany)
second skin (washington, usa)
sepulcrum mentis (germany)
seraphin twin (united kingdom)
sexandblood (costa rica)
sexbeat (united kingdom)
sex gang children (united kingdom)
sex should be female (germany)
shadow dance (finland)
shadowplay (germany)
shadow project (california, usa)
shadow of fear (ohio, usa)
shallow graves, the (germany)
she dies alone (california, usa)
she wants revenge (california, usa)
shroud, the (california, usa)
siouxsie and the banshees (united kingdom)
sisters of mercy, the (united kingdom)
sisters of murphy, the (united kingdom)
skeletal family
skys gone out, the (united kingdom)
slaveshadow (illinois, usa)
sleeping children (france)
sleepmask (california, usa)
sociophobia (ukraine)
solemn novena (united kingdom)
sombrance (missouri, usa)
sons of neverland (sweden)
sophya (netherlands)
sopor aeternus and the ensemble of shadows (germany)
soror dolorosa (france)
soulscape (california, usa)
southern death cult (united kingdom)
spear of destiny (united kingdom)
specimen (united kingdom)
spiritual bat, the (italy)
spiritual bats (italy)
star industry (belgium)
stiff kittens (united kingdom)
stimmen der stille (germany)
stompcrash, the (italy)
stone 588 (california, usa)
strange boutique (california, usa)
strange dolls cult (austria)
street spirit (slovakia)
stun gun (california, usa)
subterfuge (australia)
subtonix (california, usa)
sunset down (brazil)
sunshine blind (california, usa)
super heroines (california, usa)
suspiria (united kingdom)
swandeath (belgium)
swann danger (california, usa)
swans of avon (germany)
taedium vitae (france)
tears for the dying (georgia, usa)
tearwave (new york, usa)
thatch noir (australia)
theatre of hate (united kingdom)
theatre of ice (nevada, usa)
they feed at night (california, usa)
thirteen bats (australia)
this burning effigy (united kingdom)
this window (united kingdom)
thrill of the pull (california, usa)
tones on tail (united kingdom)
toy attica (california, usa)
toys went berserk (australia)
tragic black (utah, usa)
trance to the sun (california, usa)
trapodolls (mexico)
triste makrina (mexico)
trouble fait' (france)
t.s.o.l. (california, usa)
twisted nerve (united kingdom)
two old vamps (california, usa)
two witches (finland)
uk decay (united kingdom)
ultranoir (finland)
under two flags (united kingdom)
undying legacy (united kingdom)
última dança (brazil)
veil, the (united kingdom)
velvet violet (california, usa)
vendemmian (united kingdom)
vengeful widows, the (united kingdom)
violet sky (france)
violet stigmata (france)
virgin prunes (ireland)
voices of masada (united kingdom)
voodoo church (california, usa)
wailing wall (california, usa)
wake, the (ohio, usa)
way of all flesh, the (united kingdom)
whispers in the shadow (austria)
witching hour (united kingdom)
wladislaw draculesti (spain)
wounded, the (netherlands)
wreckage (california, usa)
your favourite nightmare (germany)
xiii. století (czech republic)
xmal deutschland (germany)
xymox (netherlands)
zadera (germany)
zeraphine (germany)
zero le creche (united kingdom)
zombie zex (sweden)
zwarte poëzie (netherlands)