Well now, she don't need to see the sun ahead
Don't need that help from God above
If you're losing her, don't be sad
Cause she will offer you heart attacks
She's tired of problems that you caused her mind
Tired of all those lies in your freak show
Tired of being alone at night
Being the lowest cat on earth
So Gloria steps out from the prison
Gloria's no longer the wasted disco girl
You've been dreaming about
Gloria alone now forever
Gloria away in the air now
Gloria she's no longer your slave
It's time for you to see yourself
All the misery you brought up
Gloria's one day ahead
Watching you from the heaven's gate
She's tired of problems that you caused her mind
Tired of all those lies in your freak show
Tired of being alone at night
Being the lowest cat on Earth
So Gloria steps out of the prison
Gloria's no longer the wasted disco girl
You've been dreaming about
Gloria alone now forever
Gloria away in the air now
Gloria she's no longer your slave
Gloria alone now forever
Gloria away in the air now
Gloria she's no longer your slave
No, not anymore
Gloria steps out of the prison
Gloria's no longer the wasted disco girl
You've been dreaming about
Gloria alone now forever
Gloria away in the air now
Gloria she's no longer your slave
harika bir the doors şarkısıdır. jim*' in sesindeki titreşimlerden nasıl bir ruh hali içinde olduğunu anlayabilirsiniz.
işte sözleri:
Yeah, right.
Did you hear about my baby? She come around,
She come round here, her head to the ground?
Come round here just about midnight,
She makes me feel so good, make me feel all right.
She come round my street, now
She come to my house
Knock upon my door
Climbing up my stairs--one, two, three
Come on baby
Here she is in my room, oh boy
Hey what's your name?
How old are you?
Where'd you go to school?
Well, now that we know each other a little bit better,
Why don't you come over here and make me feel all right!
Chorus: Gloria--g-l-o-r-i-a
You were my queen and I was your fool,
Riding home after school.
You took me home
To your house.
Your father's at work,
Your mama's out shopping around.
Check me into your room.
Show me your thing.
Why'd you do it baby?
Getting softer--slow it down, etc.
Now you show me your thing.
Wrap your legs around my neck,
Wrap your arms around my feet,
Wrap your hair around my skin.
I'm gonna huh--all right, ok, yeah.
It's getting harder--It's getting too darn fast, etc.
Come on, now, let's get it on.
Too late, too late, too late, too late, too late,
Make me feel all right!
Keep the whole thing going, baby!
Gloria Fowles veya bilinen adıyla Gloria Gaynor (d. 7 Eylül 1949) ABD'li bir şarkıcıdır. Gaynor, çoğunlukla 1979 yılında çıkarmış olduğu ve ülkemizde Ajda Pekkan tarafından yeniden yorumlanmış olan "I Will Survive" ile bilinmektedir. Bunun dışında ABD'nin disko çağında yaptığı sayısız eseri de bulunmaktadır.
Sanatçı 1960'larda "Soul Satisfiers" adlı caz-pop grubunda vokalistti. 1975'teki ilk solo albümü ve ardından gelen sayısız disko hiti onun ABD'de tanınmasını kolaylaştırdı. Gaynor, 1979 başlarında "I Will Survive" adlı hitini yayınlamış ve şarkı Gaynor'ın tek 1 numaraya ulaşan şarkısı olmuştur.
Can't Take My Eyes Off You hastası olduğum şarkısıdır.
antonio vivaldi eseridir. 12 bölümden oluşmaktadır.
1. Gloria in excelsis deo
2. et in terra pax
3. ladamus te (2 kişilik soprano solosu)
4. gratias agimus tibi
5. propter magnam gloriam tuam
6. domine deus (alto solo)
7. domine unigenite
8. domine deus, agnus dei (alto solo+koro)
9. qui tollis peccata mundi
10. qui sedes
11. quoniam tu solus sanctus
12. cum sancto spiritu
içinde müstehcen keilemeler bulunduran ritmi ile libidonuzu tavan yaptıran bir the doors şarkısıdır jim'in çığlıkları huzur verir nasıl beceriyor bir türlü anlamadım.