give thanks and praises to the most-i (jah!);
give thanks and praises so high (so high).
he will not deceive us my brethren;
he will only lead us again (again):
oh, take that veil from off of your eyes;
look into the future of realize.
noah had three sons, ham, shem and
japhet (ham, shem and japhet);
and in ham is known to be the prophet.
glory to jah, the prophet is come
(through all these ages);
glory to jah, the prophet has come
(through all these stages).
when my soul was hurtin' deep within,
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and i'm worrying to be free, desperately, yeah.
so guide and protect i'n'i, o jah - jah,
through all these ages;
guide and protect i'n'i, o jah - jah,
through all these stages.
rastafari is his name (jah!) -
rastafari is his name (jah!).
if jah didn't love i (love i),
if i didn't love i (love i),
if jah didn't love i (love i),
if i didn't love i,
would i be around today?
would i be around to say:
give thanks and praises, give thanks and praises;
give thanks and praises, give thanks and praises;
give thanks and praises, give
thanks and praises.