nightwish'in 2002 tarihli century child albümünün altinci parcasi.
sözlerini de yazmasam icimde kalir ;
Fare thee well, little broken heart
Downcast eyes, lifetime loneliness
Whatever walks in my heart will walk alone
Constant longing for the perfect soul
Unwashed scenery forever gone
No love left in me
No eyes to see the heaven beside me
My time is yet to come
So I'll be forever yours
sözleri aşağıdaki gibi olan sunrise avenue şarkısıdır.
There are times I can leave my heart wide open
There are days I believe I can heal wounds on me
There are times I could come to you and hurt you
I could easily bring your tears
I could send you to hell, I know you
I will find something more
Someone I am made for
Shame on you baby
Forever yours
You were mine and I was yours for one night
You were mine and there is no one who's like me
These screams they wake me up in the night
They violently fill my room
They keep me awake. I hate you
I will find something more
Someone I am made for
Shame on you baby
Forever yours
I will find something more
Someone I am made for
Shame on you baby
Forever yours.
sunrise avenue'nin harika harika otesi sarkısı.her seferinde daha cok seviyorum bu sarkıyı.
These screams!they wake me up in the night
They violently fill my room
They keep me awake. I hate you!!!
sözleriyle kopartan muhteşem sunrise avenue şarkısı.
fairytale gone bad ten sonra sert gelen ama kesinlikle kendini sevdiren değişik duyguların şarkısı *
Asla sert olmayan super otesi bir sunrise avenue sarkisi.