erasmus disinda bulunan bir ogrenci degisim yontemidir. erasmus gibi universitenin avrpa birligi ulkeleri ve aday ulkeleri arasinda degil amerika, kanada, rusya gibi diger ulkelerde de bir (1) sene boyunca degisilen sistemdir.
Yeah yeah yeah ah
You see a man's face
But you don't see his heart
You see a man's face
But you will never know his thoughts
Everywhere you go
There's a man to say love
Never neither never neither
Take it to heart
For your heart is your heart
And your thoughts is your thoughts
Never mix love with hatred
You see a man's face
You will never see his heart
You see a man's face
But you will never know his thoughts
You see a man's face
You will never know his thoughts
You see a man's face