
Your life, Your soul, Your world; They cannot kill it.
you have seen nothing. diziden kalmış aklımda, söylemesi hoşuma gidiyor.
what is the meaning of yooaamınna?
You know nothing.
içimden got çıkacak.
How you doin'?

Joey reis sag olsun.
it not your own business.
None of your business.
Open your heart, I'm coming home.
together we stand, divided we fall.
fucking wanker.
everything that has a begining has an end...
as you wish.
Coffee. Kofi kofi. Söylemesi çok hoş.
Believe or not we goin die.
Do or die.
Die olan hersey.
the last enemy is death which you will meet.
fire in the hole.

Gözümde canlanir koskoca mazi...
fuck up.
the person you have called, can not be reached at the moment. please dont try again later... dont!
are you cola, are you disko demek istedim ama hayata bakış açımı yansıttığı için '' impossible is nothing ''.
how do you do

söylemesi güzel *
don't give a fuck.

ağzı dolduracak son kelime.
Go fuckyourself.
i wish, i were a fish, in your dish.
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.