Jerry'nin eski sevgilisi. Daha sonra arkadaş olarak kalmışlardır. Dizinin ilerleyen bölümlerinde bir kez sevişmeye çalışmış olsalar da arkadaş olmayı tercih etmişlerdir.
you hate, you scream, you swear
and still you never reach them
you curse, you try to scare
but you can never teach them
it's a dead end street
they've tied your hands and tied your feet
and the street is narrow
a nowhere lane, a nowhere train for elaine, elaine,elaine
elaine, elaine, elaine, you know they're gonna get you
you try to break away, but they will never let you
it's a dead end street
they've tied your hands and tied your feet
and the street is narrow
the nowhere lane, the nowhere train for elaine,elaine, elaine
you're like a goldfish in a bowl, elaine, elaine,elaine
they have your mind, they'll take your soul
you come, you stay, you go, it really doesn't matter
you've done it all before, by now they know the pattern
it's a dead end street
they've tied your hands and tied your feet
and the street is narrow
the nowhere lane, the nowhere train for elaine,elaine, elaine
you're like a goldfish in a bowl, elaine, elaine,elaine
they have your mind, they'll take your soul
know that you go, you know they're gonna get you
know that you go, you know they'll never let you
it's a dead end street
they've tied your hands and tied your feet
and the street is narrow
the nowhere lane, the nowhere train for elaine,elaine, elaine
you're like a goldfish in a bowl, elaine, elaine,elaine
they have your mind, they'll take your soul
know that you go, you know they're gonna get you
know that you go, you know they'll never let you
know that you go, you know they're gonna get you
dizinin ilk yıllarında sacları bir felaket olan son yıllarında dogru duzgun bir hal alan, rekabete bayılan, inatcı ve agzı dolu iken konusmasıyla bilinen seinfeld dizisinin tek kadın karakteri.
seinfeld dizisinin 4 başrolünden dişi olanının adıdır. dizide rolünü muhteşem oynaması sayesinde komedi dalında en iyi kadın oyuncu ödüllerini devamlı almıştır. özellikle kriz anlarında muhteşem mimikleriyle çok başarılıdır (bkz: elaine marie benes)