enfes syd şarkısı. barrett albümünde yer almıştır.
an effervescing elephant
with tiny eyes and great big trunk
once whispered to the tiny ear
the ear of one inferior
that by next june he'd die, oh yeah!
because the tiger would roam.
the little one said: "oh my goodness i must stay at home!
and every time i hear a growl
i'll know the tiger's on the prowl
and i'll be really safe, you know
the elephant he told me so."
everyone was nervy, oh yeah!
and the message was spread
to zebra, mongoose, and the dirty hippopotamus
who wallowed in the mud and chewed
his spicy hippo-plankton food
and tended to ignore the word
preferring to survey a herd
of stupid water bison, oh yeah!
and all the jungle took fright,
and ran around for all the day and the night
but all in vain, because, you see,
the tiger came and said: "who me?!
you know, i wouldn't hurt not one of you.
i'd much prefer something to chew
and you're all to scant." oh yeah!
he ate the elephant.
sozleri, ozellikle sonu insani kendinden alir, tatli bir tebessum kondurur yuze.
elimden geldigince artik;
dolduruscu bir fil
minik gozleri ve buyuk hortumuyla
fisildadi kucuk kulaga
sahibi asagi olana
gelecek haziran'a olmus olacakti, aynen oyle!
cunku kaplan cikacakti ortaya.
"aman tanrim evde kalmaliyim" dedi kucuk olan
ve ne zaman bir hirilti duysam
bilecegim ki kaplan yolunda
ve guven de olacagim, bildigin gibi"
dedi bana filin teki
herkes gergindi, aynen oyle!
ve de mesaj yayilmisti
zebralara, mongoslara ve kirli hipopotamlara
kim ki camurun da sefalanip
acili hippo-planktonlarini cigneyen
ve umursamayan sozleri
tercih eden surmeyi
salak bizon dolu suruyu, aynen oyle!
ve korku sarmisti ormani
ve kosusuldu etrafta butun gece ve gunduz
ama hepsi bosunaydi, cunku, goruyordun artik
kaplanin gelisini ve dedi "ne, ben mi ?!
biliyorsun ki, hic birinize zarar vermem
ben daha cok cignemelik seyler ariyorum
ve hepiniz yetersizsiniz." aynen oyle! fili yedi