
entry12 galeri0
  1. aynı zamanda, ünlü macbeth oyununda sakata giden kralın adı.
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  2. 11.
  3. gariban bir beşiktaş taraftarı.
    ne oldu bu pankart duruyor mu hala? **
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  4. 10.
  5. dağılan blue grubundaki sarışın şeker şey.
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  6. 9.
  7. 8.
  8. fenerbahçe'ye çok kızmış ve bilenmiş yazar. bu nefret nerden geliyor, merak etmiyor değilim.
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  9. 7.
  10. kafasına bandanayı takıp ''müslüüüm müslüüüm babaaa'' diye bağırırken dayt! diyip ürküttüğüm ve o günden sonra bana abi çeken insan. olur lan tamam, geçti hadi.
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  11. 6.
  12. bir zamanların efsane boyband i blue nun pek bir hoş elamanı. tam adı için;
    (bkz: duncan matthew james)
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  13. 5.
  14. 4.
  15. sözlüğe fenerbahçe'ye sövmek için gelmiş yazar. *
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  16. 3.
  17. paul simon un kendi adını taşıyan solo albümünden bir parça. umuda ve güzelliğe dair duyguların uyanma sebebidir bünyede. (bkz: sözlerini de yazayım tam olsun)

    couple in the next room
    bound to win a prize:
    they've been going at it all night long!
    well, i'm tryin' to get some sleep
    but these motel walls are cheap:
    lincoln duncan is my name,
    and here's my song, here's my song.

    my father was a fisherman,
    my mama was a fisherman's friend,
    and i was born in the boredom and the chowder.
    so when i reached my prime
    i left my home in the maritimes,
    headed down the turnpike for new england, sweet new england.

    holes in my confidence,
    holes in the knees of my jeans,
    i was left without a penny in my pocket ....
    oo-oowee, i was about as destituted as a kid could be
    and i wished i wore a ring so i could hock it ...
    i'd like to hock it

    a young girl in a parkin' lot
    was preaching to a crowd,
    singing sacred songs
    and reading from the bible.
    well, i told her i was lost
    and she told all about the pentecost,
    and i seen that girl as the road to my survival,
    my survival.

    just later on
    the very same night
    when i crept to her tent with a flashlight
    and my long years of innocence ended:
    well, she took me to the woods,
    sayin' "here comes something, and it feels so good!",
    and just like a dog i was befriended, i was befriended.

    oh, oh, what a night,
    oh, what a garden of delight ...
    even now that sweet memory lingers:
    i was playing my guitar
    lyin' underneath the stars
    just thankin' the lord
    for my fingers,
    for my fingers ...
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  18. 2.
  19. (#10519205) ayarın kralını vermiş nesildaş yazar. *
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