don t fear the reaper

entry19 galeri0 video1
  1. him coveri da basarili olan harika bir blue oyster cult parcasi

    Seasons don't fear the reaper
    Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
    We can be like they are
    (Come on, Baby) Don't fear the reaper
    (Baby, take my hand) Don't fear the reaper
    (We'll be able to fly) Don't fear the reaper
    (Baby, I'm your man)

    Valentine is done. Here, but now they're gone.

    Romeo and Juliet
    Are together in eternity
    Romeo and Juliet
    (40,000 men and women every day) Like Romeo and Juliet
    (40,000 men and women every day) Redefine happiness
    (Another 40,000 comin' every day) We can be like they are
    (Come on, Baby) Don't fear the reaper
    (Baby, take my hand) Don't fear the reaper
    (We'll be able to fly) Don't fear the reaper
    (Baby, I'm your man)

    Love of two is one. Here, but now they're gone.

    He came last night, out of sadness
    And it was clear that we couldn't go on
    The the door was open and the wind appeared
    The candles blew and then disappeared
    The curtains flew and then he appeared
    (Saying don't be afraid) Come on, Baby
    (And we had no fear) And we ran to him
    (Then we started to fly) We looked backward and said goodbye
    We had become like they are (We had taken his hand)
    We had become like they are (Come on, Baby)
    Don't fear the reaper
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  3. him'in akustik olarak yaptığı coverin daha parçalayıcı olduğu parça.
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  5. HIM'in Greatest Love Song 666 albümündeki 8. aynı zamanda cover olan ve bayan vokallerin June Hyde'a ait olduğu şarkı.
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  7. Blue oyster cult versiyonu eğlenceli olan,HIM tarafından coverlanmış hali tekrar tekrar dinlenesi olan şarkı. HIM in en iyi cover yaptığı şarkılardan biridirde aynı zamanda.
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  9. şuradan geniş bilgi alınabilecek şıkıdım şıkıdım bir şarkı: (Don't_Fear)_The_Reaper*
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  12. nick cave ile enya kavırı da mutlaka dinlenilesi olan süpersel blue oyster cult şarkısı.
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  14. homosexuals imitating metal adli grubun icine s#ctigi bir klasik eser.
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  16. wolf cover ı him inkinden çok daha iyi olan şarkıdır. him in de pek tarzı olmayan bu parçayı coverlaması ilginçtir.
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  17. 9.
  18. Blue oyster cult klasiklerindendir.Eşsiz bir parcadır.Aynı zamanda Ünlü sanatçılarımızdan Nick cave,enya ve dünyaca ünlü grup H.I.M tarafından da cover yapılmış parçadır.

    Seasons don't fear the reaper
    Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
    We can be like they are
    (Come on, Baby) Don't fear the reaper
    (Baby, take my hand) Don't fear the reaper
    (We'll be able to fly) Don't fear the reaper
    (Baby, I'm your man)

    Valentine is done. Here, but now they're gone.

    Romeo and Juliet
    Are together in eternity
    Romeo and Juliet
    (40,000 men and women every day) Like Romeo and Juliet
    (40,000 men and women every day) Redefine happiness
    (Another 40,000 comin' every day) We can be like they are
    (Come on, Baby) Don't fear the reaper
    (Baby, take my hand) Don't fear the reaper
    (We'll be able to fly) Don't fear the reaper
    (Baby, I'm your man)

    Love of two is one. Here, but now they're gone.

    He came last night, out of sadness
    And it was clear that we couldn't go on
    The the door was open and the wind appeared
    The candles blew and then disappeared
    The curtains flew and then he appeared
    (Saying don't be afraid) Come on, Baby
    (And we had no fear) And we ran to him
    (Then we started to fly) We looked backward and said goodbye
    We had become like they are (We had taken his hand)
    We had become like they are (Come on, Baby)
    Don't fear the reaper
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  21. bu sarkiya sarilmak istiyorum.
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  23. "Bu şarkıyı malum insanların yüzüne yüzüne söylemek istiyorum..."

    Dedirtebilen şahane blue oyster cult Parçasıdır. Üzerinden seneler geçmiş olsa da, etkisi kaybolmamaktadır.
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  24. 12.
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  26. meditasyon aracı olarak dinlenecek şarkı. adamlar şarkı yapacağım derken yeni din kurmuşlar.
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  29. blue öyster cult'ın en güzel şarkısı.
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  30. 18.
  31. gazla gelip c'mon baby dont fear the reaper diye bağırma hissi uyandıran şarkı. blue öyster cultı çok severim ama bu şarkı için (bkz: him).
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  33. Yanlız değilmişim. Aşırı iyi şarkı dinlemenizi mutlaka öneririm.
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