strangeland albümünden güzel bir keane şarkısı. Sözleri de şöyle;
Something's crept in under our door
Silence soaking through the floor
Pinching like a stone in my shoe
Some chemical is breaking down the glue
That's been binding me to you
Oooh ooh ooh
I feel like I just don't know you anymore
But I've been burned and I've been wrong so many times
We walk in circles
The blind leading the blind
Well I thought that love watched over this house
But you're boarding up the windows now
We've been leaning on each other so hard
Tied so tight we wound up miles apart
Making simple things so hard
Oooh ooh ooh
I feel like I just don't know you anymore
But I've been burned and I've been down so many times
We walk in circles
The blind leading the blind
We've been disconnected somehow
There's an invisible wall between us now
But I've been wrong and I've been down so many times
We walk in circles
The blind leading the blind
I see the landscape change before my eyes
The features I've been navigating by
No nothing looks the way it did before
I don't know where to look or what to look for
I feel like I just don't know you anymore
But I've been burned and I've been down so many times
We walk in circles
The blind leading the blind
We've been disconnected somehow
There's an invisible wall between us now
But I've been wrong and I've been down so many times
We walk in circles
The blind leading the blind
We've been disconnected somehow
There's an invisible wall between us now.
Edit: şarkı sözü niye eksilenir ki arkadaş. Ayrıca trole zaten cevap vermeye gerek yok.
bir BBC Three Howard Overman tarafından yazılmış tiyatro. Oyuncular Holliday Grainger, Cloudia Swann, Aml Ameen, Bradley James, Laura Aikman, Katrina Rafferty ve Lucy Evans'dır.
in flames'in çok güzel bir şarkısıdır.
Doğruyu söylemek gerekirse bu şarkıyı ilk başlarda sırf 37. Saniyede giren riff için dinliyordum, sonra dinledikçe her saniyesinin özenle hazırlanmış, güzel bir şarkı olduğunu anladım. Hala girişini sevmesem de çok çok iyi bir şarkıdır.
in flames grubunun a sense of purpose albümünün klasikleşmiş parçalarındandır. bu şarkı biraz yavaş modda olmuş. ayrıca bu şarkıdan sonrada condemned parçası dinlenebilir. zira aralarında pek bir fark yok gibi.
look at the dead outside my window
wonder what's on their mind
why do they run?
they all seem to have a mission
but then they cry themselvеs to sleep
you receive what you give
and this is like nothing
i feel like shit
but at least i feel something
is this all you meant to be?
there are marks in the pavement
you've walked this route too many times
what if i changed the signs
would you even take notice?
you receive what you give
and this is like nothing
i feel like shit
but at least i feel something
is this all you have to give?
so...march...straight jacket union
in chains surrender
you receive what you give
and this is like nothing
i feel like shit
but at least i feel something
you receive what you give
and this is like nothing
i feel like shit
but at least i feel something...