'eğer gözler ruhun penceresiyse, keder de kapısıdır. kapalı kaldığı sürece bilmek ve bilmemek arasındaki barikattır. ondan uzaklaşın ve sonsuza dek kapalı kalsın. ama onu açıp içeri girdiğinizde acı, gerçek olur.'
(bkz: dexter)
"It's said that everything is connected to everything. The butterfly effect. You drop a pebble into a pond, and the ripples radiate outwards, Touching and affecting everything.
Until finally a fish grows arms and legs And crawls out of the water,
And picks up a rock and smashes the next two fish over the head.
Lila: What do you think I wanted?
Dexter: To know what it's like to feel something that deeply. Anything. That's why you hang out in recovery groups. You're emotionally colorblind. You use the right words, you pantomime the right behavior, but the feelings never come to pass.
Lila: It's not true.
Dexter: It is, Lila. You know the dictionary definition of emotions: longing, joy, sorrow. But you have no idea what any of those things actually feel like.
Lila: You're wrong. I have feelings for you.
Dexter: You want to have feelings for me, but they're just impulses.
Lila: Enough!
Dexter: They're primitive responses to immediate needs. You know all the words, but you can't hear the music.
Lila: Stop it. Don't do this. Don't do this.
Dexter: Lila. I'm just like you.
"I like to pretend I'm alone. Completely alone. Maybe post-apocalypse or plague... Whatever. No-one left to act normal for. No need to hide who I really am. It would be...