daria morgendorffer, ilk kez beavis and butthead'de göründükten sonra kendi çizgi dizisine sahip olmuş sarkastik karakter. daria'yı her izlediğimde keşke sick sad world'ü de izleyebilsem diye düşünüyorum.
cake in 1996 çıkışlı fashion nugget albümünden güzel bir çalışmadır. daria daria daria kısımları eşlik edilesidir.
sözleri şöyledir.
when you tried to kiss me
i only bit your tongue.
when you tried to get me together
i only came undone.
when you tried to tell me
the one for me was you,
i was in your mattress back in 1982.
daria, I won't be soothed.
daria, I won't be soothed over like,
smoothed over like milk,
silk, a bedspread, or a quilt,
icing on a cake,
or a serene translucent lake.
daria, daria, daria,
i won't be soothed.
i won't be soothed.
when you tried to tell me
of all the love you had,
i was cleaning oil from beaches
seeing only what was bad.
when you tried to feed me
i only shut my mouth.
food got on your apron
and you told me to get out.
daria, I won't be soothed.
daria, I won't be soothed over like,
smoothed over like milk,
silk, a bedspread, or a quilt,
icing on a cake,
or a serene translucent lake.
daria, daria, daria,
daria, daria, daria,
daria, i won't be soothed.
i won't be soothed.