
çok güzel ve 80'lerden bahsedildiğinde es geçilmemesi gereken bir şarkı.
Bir başka büyük üstad frank sinatra'nın da parçası.
Sözleri de şöyle olagelmekte:

Dancing in the dark 'til the tune ends
We're dancing in the dark and it soon ends
We're waltzing in the wonder of why we're here
Time hurries by, we're here and we're gone

Looking for the light of a new love
To brighten up the night, I have you love
And we can face the music together
Dancing in the dark

What - though love is old
What - though song is old
Through them we can be young

Hear this heart of mine
Wailin' all the time
Dear one, tell me that we're one

Looking for the light of a new love
To brighten up the night, I have you love
And we can face the music together
Dancing in the dark, dancing in the dark
Dancing in the dark

Feyza erenmemiş tarafından icra edilen harika bir yorumu da mevcut
ing. karanlıkta dansetmek.
I get up in the evening, and I aint got nothing to say
I come home in the morning, I go to bed feeling the same way
I aint nothing but tired, man Im just tired and bored with myself
Hey there baby, I could use just a little help

You cant start a fire, you cant start a fire without a spark
This guns for hire even if were just dancing in the dark

Message keeps getting clearer, radios on and Im moving round the place
I check myself out in the mirror I wanna change my clothes my hair my face
Man I aint getting nowhere just sitting in a dump like this
Theres something happening somewhere baby I just know that there is

You cant start a fire...

You sit around getting older theres a joke here somewhere and its on me
Ill shake this world off my shoulders come baby this laughs on me

Stay on the streets of this town and theyll be carving you up alright
They say you got to stay hungry hey baby Im just about starving tonight
Im dying for some action Im sick of sitting round here trying to write
This book
I need a love reaction come on now baby give me just one look

You cant start a fire..

...diye sozleri olan canalan bir sarki.
(bkz: dancer in the dark)
kipir kipir, satafatli bir bruce springsteen sarkisi.

(bkz: bruce springsteen)
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