bon jovi'nin these days isimli albümünde yer alan ve sözleri şu şekilde olan parçası:
i'm lying here beside you
in someone else's bed
knowing what were doing's wrong
but better left unsaid
your breathing sounds like screaming, it's all that i can stand
his ring is on your finger, but my heart is in your hands
damned if you love me - damned if you don't
it's getting harder holding on, but i can't let you go
damned if you don't need me, damned if you do
god , i wish it wasn't me standing in these shoes
damned, damned
a door slams like a shotgun, you jump up to your feet
but it's just the wind blowing through the secrets that we keep
made me want to want you, god knows i need to need you
by the time the love is over, i'll be sleeping on the streets
damned if you love me - damned if you don't
it's getting harder holding on, but i can't let you go
damned if you don't need me, damned if you do
god , i wish it wasn't me standing in these shoes
why won't you talk to me ? because i'm too blind to see
why won't you look at me ? because i'm afraid to breathe
what do you want from me ? all that i can stand
the lies are on my tongue and i can't turn back i know
the soul is damned
don't worry
i ain't gonna call you or hear you say my name
and if you see me on the street, don't wave just walk away
our lives are getting twisted, let's keep our stories straight
the more that i resist it, my temptation turns to fate
damned if you love me - damned if you don't
it's getting harder holding on, but i can't let you go
damned if you don't need me, damned if you do
god , i wish it wasn't me standing in these shoes
damned , damned
damned if you love me - damned if you don't
it's getting harder holding on, but i can't let you go
damned if you don't need me, damned if you do
god , i wish it wasn't me standing in these shoes
damned , damned
call of duty black ops'da zombie menüsüne girdiğiniz andan itibaren çalmaya başlayan kevin sherwood eseri. korkunç, insanı geren ve rahatsızlık veren ama bir yandan da kendine bağlayan bir şaheserdir.
bölümler; are you there, satan? its me, madison diye başlar ve 11 yaşındaki bir kızın cehennem keşfetmesini anlatır. bir taraftan madison ın * traji-komik hikayesini. diğer yandan cehennemi tanırız.
what makes earth feel like hell is our expectation that it should feel like heaven.
chuck palahniuk'un yeni kitabı. Dilimize çevrilmemiştir. Robinson kitabevinde bulabilirsiniz orijinal dilinde. Fiyatı 37 küsür lira. Annesi ve babası ünlü ve aynı zamanda son derece zengin olan Madison'un ölüp cehenneme düşmesini ve oradaki yolculuğunu konu alır.