The times are tough now, just getting tougher
This old world is rough, its just getting rougher
Cover me, come on baby, cover me
Well Im looking for a lover who will come on in and cover me
Promise me baby you wont let them find us
Hold me in your arms, lets let our love blind us
Cover me, shut the door and cover me
Well Im looking for a lover who will come on in and cover me
Outsides the rain, the driving snow
I can hear the wild wind blowing
Turn out the light, bolt the door
I aint going out there no more
This whole world is out there just trying to score
Ive seen enough I dont want to see any more,
Cover me, come on and cover me
Im looking for a lover who will come on in and cover me
Looking for a lover who will come on in and cover me
call of duty 2'de sıkça duyulan replik. genelde arkadaşınız şarjör doldururken, "vasili, yakın dur hele göte gelmeyelim" anlamında söyler, illallah ettirir adama. dakika başı "cover me i'm reloading!" diye höykürürler. "ölmesin gariban" diyerekten önüne geçer, kendinizi kurşunlara siper edersiniz. for your glorious country nidalarıyla yürürsünüz faşistlerin üzerine. **