
entry6 galeri0
  1. ing. karşıla(ş)ma, yüz yüze gelme.
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  2. ?.
  3. ?.
  4. durumla, sorunlarla, kendinle yuzlesme/yuzlestirme anlaminda da bolca kullanilir.
    terapistler pek sever bunu. firsat kollarlar mazallah**. bazen zamansiz yapar hastanin canini yakarlar. erken donem dropoutlarin cogu confrontationin zamansizligindan olur hatta.
    yazik hasta kuser gider, bazen kizar gider, yada bu terapist ne anlatiyo boyle deyip guler gider.
    bazen tamamen vazgecer, bazen kendisini anlicak baska bi terapist bulmak uzere yola duser.
    onemli mevzu mirim... bilen bilir.
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  5. ?.
  6. ?.
  7. The Ascension albümünde yer alan otep parçası.

    Don't be silent


    Here's your introduction to destruction
    And the hate sustaining me

    Are we safer or in danger?
    Drowning in atrocities?

    Riot gear, the slaves are here
    Piling corpses high

    Its the rich man's war
    But it's the poor that fight

    More capitalist crimes,
    More enemies than allies

    No WMD's, who gives a fuck
    If they die

    Just kill em all, watch em fall
    Skin the world with their lies

    Its a rich man's war
    But it's the poor that fight

    Stand up
    Speak out
    Strike back

    Stand up
    Speak out
    Strike back

    They don't know
    What they started


    My religion of resistance
    Challenging everything

    Radicals & dissidents
    Of creativity

    We are the children
    Of the siege you hide
    In this rich man's war
    Where the poor just die

    More deception & greed
    More wars & disease

    More lies from the hive mind
    That seek to deceive

    A weak nation of need
    Like silent thieves in the night

    It's a rich man's war
    But it's the poor that die

    This is my
    Battle cry

    Defy the lies
    Of the tyrant race
    With a fist in the air
    And a finger in their face!

    Defy the tyrants
    Don't be silent

    There's no
    Way they
    Can stop us

    So let them try
    We fight or we die
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  8. ?.
  9. bob marley in bir albümü. içinde bulunan şarkılar:
    Blackman Redemption
    Chant Down Babylon
    Give Thanks And Praises
    I Know
    Mix Up, Mix Up
    Rastaman Live Up!
    Stiff Necked Fools
    Trench Town
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