Huzur verici jack johnson şarkısı.üzgün seni iyice üzer mutlu iseniz mutluluğunuz artar * sözleri de şöyledir.*
well based on your smile
i'm betting all of this
might be over soon
but your bound to win
cause if i'm betting against you
i think i'd rather lose
but this is all that i have
so please
take what's left of this heart and use
please use only what you really need
you know i only have so little
so please
mend your broken heart and leave
i know it's not your style
i can tell by the way that you move
it's real, real soon
but i'm on your side
and i don't want to be your regret
i'd rather be your cocoon
but this is all that you have
so please
let me take what's left of your heart and i will use
i swear i'll use only what i need
i know you only have so little
so please
let me mend my broken heart and
you said this was all you had
and it's all i need
but blah blah blah
because it fell apart and
i guess it's all you knew
and all i have
but now we have
only confused hearts and
i guess all we have
is really all we need
so please
let's take these broken hearts and use
let's use only what we really need
you know we only have so little
so please
take these broken hearts and leave
Who would have known
That a boy like him
Would have entered me lightly
Restoring my blisses
Who would have known
That a boy like him
After sharing my core
Would stay going nowhere
Who would have known
A beauty this immense
Who would have known
A saintly trance
Who would have known
Miraculous breath
To inhale a beard
Loaded with courage
Who would have known
That a boy like him
Possessed of magical
Who would approach a girl like me
Who caresses cradles his head
In her bosom
He slides inside
Half awake, half asleep
We faint back
Into sleephood
When I wake up
The second time
In his arms
He's still inside me
Who would have known
Who ahhh
Who would have known
A train of pearls
Cabin by cabin
Is shot precisely
Across an ocean
From a mouth
From a
From the mouth
Of a girl like me
To a boy
To a boy
To a boy
fransız müzik grubu. tarzları hafif indie gibi pop. hafiften şarkı sözleri the do grubuna benzesede tell me adlı şarkıları çok güzeldir. ayrıca elemanın akustik gitar tekniği çok sağlam. ilk başta farkedilmiyor dikatli dinleyince ortaya çıkıyor
şarkıları insanı alıp başka diyarlara götüren indie-soft rock tarzında takılan fransız müzik grubu. sushi ve hummingbird diye şarkıları var ki insanı büyülüyor. ayrıca estelle'nin (bkz: american boy) şarkısına kendilerince bir coverları da vardır.
şimdiye kadar dinlediğim en iyi ses, en iyi müzik ve en baymayan sakinlik dallarında kendilerine ödül dahi verebileceğim güzellikte fransız grup şeysi. her anlamda bence ziyadesiyle profesyoneller.
bir yorumunda okuduğum üzere bir hayli zengin, bir hayli hanımefendi, bir hayli hizmetçisi olan, güzel mi güzel ev işlerini hizmetçisine yaptıran, bir yazarmış.