
entry30 galeri3 video1
  1. ing. sirk
    ayrıca nintendo'da bir oyun.
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  3. ing. meydan anlami da olan kelime.
    oxford meydani (bkz: oxford circus)
    piccadilly meydani (bkz: piccadilly circus)
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  4. 3.
  5. mojo da çarşamba ve cumartesi günleri sahne alan, eşsiz coverları ile izleyiciyi transa geçiren grup.
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  6. 4.
  7. bir uriah heep çalışmasıdır. sözleri de burda:

    Walkin' around this concrete garden
    Viewing all in vain
    Thinking why a dream
    Is driving everyone insane

    Then something will come
    And make you feel
    The master in control
    Still you're picking up
    And screwing anyone
    Who's got a soul

    I've been here
    Far too long to remember
    Sights and sounds

    From this town of clowns
    Makin' up, dressin' up
    Walkin' around
    Thinkin' that you're greta garbos

    I'm sorry my dears
    But we only sat down
    And laughed and laughed in sorrow
    But it was you
    That opened the door
    And it's that we thank you for

    Everyone insane ...
    Everyone's insane
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  8. 5.
  9. her çarşamba her cumartesi mojo'da sahne alan, deliler gibi eğlendiren bağımlılık yapan muhteşem cover grubudur. Çaldıkları parçalar piyasa şarkılardır ama sonuçta eğlenmek için bir araya gelen insan topluluğunu son derece eğlendirmektedirler. Solist Hakan Çimenli 1.97'lik boyuyla sahnede tozu dumana katarken yetenekli elektrocu Koray Gürsoygünündeyse kimi zaman ağzıyla çalar kimi zaman arkasından çalar ve enfes sololar atar. Bassçı Murathan Araz mekana her giren kızı tanımak ister ee bu konuda da başarısız olduğu görülmemiştir. Grubun en harikası Bülent'tir.* Bateriyi çalmaz konuşturur. Kısacası her çarşamba ve cumartesi bu adamlar saat 00.30'dan 03.30'a kadar sınırsız eğlence sunarlar. Program bittiğinde herkesin yüzü düşer ve bir sonraki circus gecesi özlemle beklenir. Hepsi birbirinden şirin ve sıcak adamların oluşturduğu muhteşem vandırful gorcıs :) müzik grubudur.

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  10. 6.
  11. yaz için gittikleri bodrumdan pek yakında bronzlaşmış ve kurtlarını dökmüş olarak dönecek ve yeniden coşmaya & çoşturmaya başlayacak sevilen mojo grubu.
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  12. 7.
  13. hasrete son verip dün gece yuvalarında * sahne alan, kaldığı yerden bronz olarak devam eden insanların oluşturduğu mojo topluluğu *
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  14. 8.
  15. 1 saat sonra mojo'da sahne alacak grup. * *
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  16. 9.
  17. Murathan bey'in artık çalmadığı şu saatlerde sahne alan gidemedim diye komaya girdiğim gruptur. ayrıca dip not murathan yerine gelen basçı arkadaşı sevmedik efendim ilgililere duyrulur.
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  18. 10.
  19. basçısı yine değişen mojo grubu.
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  20. 11.
  21. sevgili yazar la douce'un üyesi olduğunu düşünmeye başladığım istanbul odaklı, çoook uzun süredir çalan lakin kadrosunda epey değişiklikler yaşamış grup.
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  22. 12.
  23. 1995 yılında piyasaya çıkmış olan lenny kravitz albümü.
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  24. 13.
  25. muhteşem bir lenny kravitz parçası.

    ahanda sözleri;

    one day while i was searchin
    for what i'll never find
    she walked into my story
    said she could change my mind
    this is the final offer
    she said to make it quick
    don't lose out on this wonder
    so i had to place my bet
    welcome to the picture show
    watching your life
    never know which way to go
    it might not be right
    so you'd better be strong
    what kind of circus is this
    what kind of fools are we
    when is the final curtain
    what can i do to set me free
    welcome to the real world
    you better be strong
    never know which way to go
    it might end up wrong
    so you'd better be strong
    too many games we have to play
    they always change the rules
    you and me just try to get along
    what can i do
    i've got to be strong
    she walked into my daydream
    she told me how it had to be
    welcome to the picture show
    watching your life
    never know which way to go
    it might not be right
    welcome to the real world
    you got to be strong
    never know which way to go
    it might end up wrong
    welcome to the picture show
    watching your life
    it might end up wrong
    so you better be strong
    you got to be strong
    you better be strong
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  26. 14.
  27. 2008'in Aralık ayı başında piyasaya çıkacak olan Britney Spears albümü. Bu sıralar müzik kanallarında sıkça gördüğümüz Womanizer bu albümün ilk single ıdır.
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  28. 15.
  29. şu anda internette fink atmakta olan britney spears albümüdür. tracklisti ise şöyledir;

    3.Out from Under
    4.Kill the Lights
    5.Shattered Glass
    6.If U Seek Amy
    7.Unusual You
    9.Mmm Papi
    11.Lace and Leather
    12.My Baby
    13.Radar(Bonus Track)

    Bonus Tracks

    14.Rock Me In

    albüm hakkında söylenecek şey ise britney spears'ın en iyi albümü olduğu.
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  30. 16.
  31. oldukça başarılı britney albümü.
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  32. 17.
  33. Britney'in yeni gözdesi, son albümün 2. sırasında yer alan şarkısıdır.
    Acilen düzgün bir dj düzenlemesinden geçmesi gerekmetedir keza baslar, tizler yeterince tatminkar değildir, ufak tefekte efektlere ihtiyacı olduğunu düşündüğüm şarkı.
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  34. 18.
  35. 19.
  36. britney spears'ın unusual you, womanizer, circus, out from under gibi güzel şarkılarını da içeren şimdilik son albümü.
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  37. 20.
  38. bir tristania parçasıdır. ashes albümünde bulunmaktadır.


    Tied up and gagged
    Hooded and tagged
    They're all yours to command

    I am corpse, I am carrion prey
    I have a crow at each brow
    plucking eyes in my mask of death
    The darkness is complete

    Who's the hooded one, mother mine?
    Who is gagged when all are silent?
    and bitten when we move

    Inflamed! My mask is burning
    The night is dead; dark, putrid flesh turning
    upon a chair in the dying corner
    I am your bagful of fear
    I'll commit, I'll admit
    I'll be the dagger, drive me in
    I'll be all motionless and still
    My river runs within - still and deep

    I am beast, I am carrion prey to the Cyclops tribe
    String me up to a cherry tree
    come one, come all - and hang with me
    I'm already hogtied - entangled in your marionette strings

    I am dancing
    the embodiment of fear
    a shake for every fearful tear
    a ruckus for the righteous
    In the end
    They no longer know
    cast stones into mirrors - onto themselves

    Mother mine!
    Stab yourself, mother mine
    bleed your own river, dark and wide
    Mine runs within, still and deep
    Don't shake me so, it will overflow;video_id=_vrskwGlWBo#
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  39. 21.
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  41. atari oyunlarının en heyecanlılarındandır.
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  42. 23.
  43. 2008 çıkışlı britney spears albümüdür.
    içlerinde çok iyi şarkılar barındırmakta. bunlar:
    *kill the lights
    *if u seek amy
    *unusual you
    *radar (bu daha önceki albümünde de yer almıştı)
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  44. 24.
  45. bir güzel Britney spears şarkısıdır.

    There's only two types of people in the world
    The ones that entertain and the ones that observe
    Well baby, I'm a put-on-a-show kind of girl
    Don't like the backseat, gotta be first

    I'm a like the ringleader, I call the shots
    (Call the shots)
    I'm like a firecracker I make it hot
    When I put on a show

    I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins
    Spotlight on me and I'm ready to break
    I'm like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage
    Better be ready, hope that you feel the same

    All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus
    When I crack that whip, everybody gon' trip just like a circus
    Don't stand there watching me, follow me, show me what you can do
    Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor just like a circus ahhhhha

    There's only two types of guys out there
    Ones that can hang with me and ones that are scared
    So baby, I hope that you came prepared
    I run a tight shift so beware

    I'm a like the ringleader, I call the shots
    (Call the shots)
    I'm like a firecracker, I make it hot
    When I put on a show

    I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins
    Spotlight on me and I'm ready to break
    I'm like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage
    Better be ready, hope that you feel the same

    All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus
    When I crack that whip, everybody gon' trip just like a circus
    Don't stand there watching me, follow me, show me what you can do
    Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor just like a circus

    Let's go
    Let me see what you can do
    I'm runnin' this like-like-like a circus
    Yeah, like a what? Like-like-like a circus

    All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus
    When I crack that whip, everybody gon' trip just like a circus
    Don't stand there watching me, follow me, show me what you can do
    Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor just like a circus

    All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus
    When I crack that whip, everybody gon' trip just like a circus
    Don't stand there watching me, follow me, show me what you can do
    Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor just like a circus
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  46. 25.
  47. britney spearsın blackout faciasıyla feci sıçının ardından geri dönüşünü yaptığı leziz ve başarılı albüm.
    şarkının da sözleri şöyledir:
    There's only two types of people in the world
    The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe
    Well baby I'm a put-on-a-show kinda girl
    Don't like the backseat, gotta be first
    I'm like the ringleader
    I call the shots (call the shots)
    I'm like a firecracker
    I make it hot
    When I put on a show

    I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins
    Spotlight on me and I'm ready to break
    I'm like a performer, the dance floor is my stage
    Better be ready, hope ya feel the same

    All the eyes on me in the center of the ring
    Just like a circus
    When I crack that whip, everybody goin' trip
    Just like a circus
    Don't stand there watching me, follow me
    Show me what you can do
    Everybody let go, we can make a dance floor
    Just like a circus

    There's only two types of guys out there,
    Ones that can hang with me, and ones that are scared
    So baby I hope that you came prepared
    I run a tight ship so, beware
    I'm like the ringleader
    I call the shots
    I'm like a firecracker
    I make it hot
    When I put on a show

    I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins
    Spotlight on me and I'm ready to break
    I'm like a performer, the dance floor is my stage
    Better be ready, hope that ya feel the same


    Let's go
    Let me see what you can do
    I'm runnin' this (like, like, like, like a circus)
    Like a what? (like, like, like, like a circus)

    [Chorus: x2]
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